Chapter 14

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TW// Dismemberment, blood, loss of limbs

"Do you remember anything after they took Iskall away?"

Wels racked his brain for the smallest detail or clue. He couldn't remember anything apart from... the lift. It was coming up. So either Iskall was still on this floor and it was just someone else, or they were on a floor below them.

Tango, Cleo, Ren and Jevin stood around Wels as he came to a realisation. He spun on heels and ran to the elevator, the four following after him.

Wels ran his fingers along the buttons and pressed the lowest one. Cleo's eyes widened and she hastily stepped onto the lift so as not to be left behind. The others followed.

So there they all were. Standing as far away from Jevin as possible so they didn't get hit by his tentacles. It didn't bother him though.

A rumble of feet could be heard and Wels slammed his hand down onto one of the lowest buttons. A group of pythons being led by a vex came into view as the doors started closing. One of the pythons tried to hold the doors open and failed.

He mainly failed because Jevin wrapped his tentacles around the python's wrists and pushed his arms back into his face. The Python stumbled backwards as the doors came to a complete shut and Jevin brought his tentacles back to his side.

The lift started humming and moved down.
"What if this is the wrong floor?" Tango didn't want to run into any more vexes on other floors.
Jevin quietly laughed and pulled out a set of keys from his pocket.

"YOU NITWIT HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD THEM FOR?" Jevin recoiled at Cleo's harsh tongue.
"Only just now. While they were all distracted I reached another tentacle and stole the vex's keys."

Wels thanked him and took the keys out of his hand. There was only three keys on it and a card. He held the card and examined either side of it, they were both blank.
"It's nothing."

Ren perked up and looked at the card.
"They're used to get into offices and important rooms."
All other heads turned to look at him. Ren tucked his tail between his legs. Wels turned his attention to the doors that were now opening again. He poked his head out to see the same sights as the floor they were just on. More hybrids locked in cells.

Two of the pythons that were chasing them on the previous floor came running from the bottom of the corridor. They must have split up to get them when they came out of the lift. Wels sighed and pressed another button on the lift. The pythons were nowhere near them when the doors closed. Wels heard one curse and chuckled to himself.

The lift started moving up and Ren looked thoughtful.
"What if the card unlocks a secret floor. One that only Vexes can get to."
The rest contemplated the possibility of that.
"Ok great. How do we get to it? Is it a scanner outside? There isn't anything on the walls in here."

The lift stopped moving and the doors opened. Before the pythons outside could do anything, Cleo pressed another button and the doors immediately closed. It hummed down and one of the pythons banged on the door.

Wels ran a hand down the buttons without actually pressing on any of them. Quiet drifted through the lift for only a moment.
"My god you look like 'your name' in those goddamn stories."
Wels glared at Cleo and looked back at the buttons. Beneath them was a small grey square. The lift came to a stop and Wels could hear pythons on the other side of the door. With no other better way out he pressed the card flat onto the square at the same time as Cleo pressed another button.

He looked up at her with wide eyes. The lift could either be going to the bottom floor where pythons would be waiting, or it was going to another floor altogether. Everyone held their breath as the lift travelled down. Time seemed to slow down and the journey was painful. Slowly it stopped and the doors started to open. Ren caught sight of a Python eyes and shrieked.

Wels got the hint and started smashing the card against the grey square while rapidly pressing the close doors button. Cleo pushed herself against the farthest wall as a Python reached its arm into the lift trying to grab someone. Jevin pulled his tentacles back and pushed himself as far back as he could as well. The Python spun his arm and tried to grab Wels. The human hybrid narrowly avoided it and pushed the card onto the square one more time. A light above the doors turned green and they started closing.

The Python was too distracted by trying to grab Ren and the doors started closing. The dog shut his eyes and put his hand over his ears. Wels's face dropped in horror. Cleo placed a hand on her arm and another over her mouth.

The Python's finger twitched before ultimately laying still on the floor of the lift. As they moved down they heard the scream of pain coming from above them. Cleo tightened the grip on her arm, knowing what it felt like to take your limb off but never quite experiencing it like that.

Blood was flowing from the severed arm and spreading into a pool on the lift's floor. Ren stood the furthest from it so as not to get blood in his fur. Wels tried to lift himself so his feet were off the ground, but with the sleek, elegant make of the lift, there was no safety handle to hold onto.

Jevin used one tentacle to try and move the arm into the corner but recoiled at the touch. For anyone, touching a severed arm would be horrifyingly disgusting and it was no different for Jevin.

The five stayed silent for the rest of the ride, squirming away from the blood when it started to come near them, trying their best not to throw up at the horrible sight.

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