🌻Chapter 12🌻

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    "You two are not supposed to be together, this goes against our whole family, if the people find out you'll be killed!"  Alanas mom argues.

     "Mom they won't find out, we kept it a secret so far up until now, til you decided to barge into my room" Alana tried to explain.

     Alana invited me over since her mom was going to be gone for a while. We just wanted some time to ourselves and when things started to get heated, Alanas mom comes in.

    "It doesn't matter about keeping this a secret. It matters because what if you end up with a baby, that child will be cursed. Light and Dark don't mix especially if there's a child involved." shes explains.

     "There's no such thing as a curse mom, they just say that so we won't affiliate with dark side." Alana says.

    "Alana I'm serious, you know what. You two follow me" Alanas mom says lead the way outside to an old barn.

     She unlocks the door and hurry's us in slamming it behind us. The only source of light was a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling that she pulls and cuts on. It Reveals old potion bottles and books covered in dust.

     Me and Alana take it in then started when Alanas mom moved a heavy book self in the corner allowing a cellar door to be shown.

     "Mom what is all this?" Alana ask as her mom open the door telling us to follow her down.

     "Jacob let it down behind you." I did as she said and shut it.

     "When youre in her no one can hear us. I worked on this place for a long time for thing similar to this." Stella says(Alanas mom name)"

     "Okay, so why are we down here" Alana says crossing her arms.

     "A long time ago before our kingdom separated. Everyone got along so well before the kings daughter fell in love." Stella explains while handing us a picture of the young girl. " Her lover was the son of the Nubula. The kings step brother." She hands us a picture of the boy.

     "When the king, Dansel, found about it he was livid." Stella says

     "Why, they were just young kids in love, there's nothing wrong with that" I say handing her back the picture.

     "That's what we all thought but we didn't know that he had a hatred for Nebula. When him and nebula were teenagers . King dansel and his wife had a baby on the way, though they were 20." She continues. "She was set to give birth any day but for some reason she didn't want to give birth in the kingdom. She wanted to go to a secret land of her family's clan to have the child, so a week before, dansel put nebula in charge of guarding the car to the place."

"But why though, why couldn't dansel do it? After all he is the child's father." Alana asks

"well you see, dansels father had passed in battle so dansel was the next in line to be king and orientation was a long process. And he figure since he couldn't go, that he send nebula. They were step-brothers after all and were really close. Also because nebula was older and more powerful to protect her." Stella says, sitting down on an old chair that made dust fly up everywhere making Alana and I cough. She motions for us to sit on the floor and we do, mainly because this was interesting.

"Okay continue." Alana says resting her head on me.

"Well on their way there. They had to take a small boat to cross over the lake. Everything was fine and they were almost to the shore when they were surrounded by this black creatures. They started attacking the boat and killing everyone on there including dansel wife and her unborn son." Alanas made a small gasp covering her mouth. "Nebula came back and tried to explain he did everything he could, but dansel banished him from the kingdom. Everyone who had the genes of the dark side were sent along with him. Ever since then is been nothing but turmoil between them."

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