🌻Chapter 7🌻

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     "Ahh my head where am I?"  I look around and see nothing but darkness. It's like I'm in a cube? I stand up trying to walk but it's dimly lit. Like moonlight.

     • "you're far form home darling" a deep voice echos through. Make me stop in my place.

      "What, what is this place? Who are you" I jump from the voice. Is sending a bad feeling through my body.

     • "Dont worry that head of yours, all that matters is that I know who you are" I feel a cold breeze pass me.

     "Tell me who you are"

     •"No can do sweetheart"

     "NOAH!" I scream "DAD, CAN ANYONE HEAR ME"

     • "That won't work here. You can scream all you can but this cube is made out of my most perfect spell."

"Spell?" I think I might have actually lost my mind "what the hell are you talking about"

• "Are you this clueless in the human world, This cube should look familiar to you."

"You confusing me, How do I get out of here?" I walk to one of the wall going to punch it but my hand is stopped.

• "anh anh anhhh, I told you that's useless." Some kind of purple fog illuminates around my fist.

"Wha tha?" What in the absolute fuck is this.

• " You seriously don't know."

"What don't I know and why don't you show yourself. I'll feel less stupid not talking to air."

• " Since you asked"

A black purple swirl appeared in front of me, reveal a dude with horns coming out of his head. He doesn't look that old maybe like 40ish. He's way taller than me, standing over me like I'm a child. I back up putting my hands out to guard myself from whoever this was.

• "you told me to reveal myself, are you afraid?"
He says following me as I'm backing up.

• "The names nebula"he stops walking. "The place you're in is my special cube to keep you from leaving ofcourse and to keep magic at bay. You can try and break it, but that'll never work since it's infused with the darkest of magic that is."

"What magic are you talking about, all I remember is having dinner with my dad and I woke up here, did you kidnap me?"

• " Silly child, he hasn't told you has he?"

"Told me what ?"

• "He was keeping you a secret all these years, I felt your presence when you enter this realm. The darkness you saw was me. The woman that saved you was none other than-


The high pitch yell, the sound of a banshee, filled the cube.

That woman again she looks pissed.

• "Alana how did you break this, this was my perfect cube, no one can break it"

"Don't even underestimate my power. Now get away from her Nebula." The woman says . Her dress is bigger and her eyes are filled with light. She's floating and the way her hair is floating around her is magnificent.

• "Now why would I do that." Did he just-

"Dammit. That's you behind me isn't"

• "who else's" I can feel the evil smirk in his face as his long fingers crawl over my shoulder. Gripping hard making me wince to the pressure.

"NEBULA, I SAID GET AWAY FROM HER!" The woman releases that beam of bright light again and he's thrown into the wall remaining with such force. I don't know what the hell is going in here but I damn sure need to leave. I don't want to be the result of something.

"Aurora, while I have him at bay I need you to wake up, he's gonna fight back and the battle won't be safe for you." The woman says lowering down to my level still aim with the beam of light. "Atleast not yet"

"Not yet, what's the hell is happening? Why am I here in the first place?" With my back facing the guy name nebula, I see her eyes grow wide. "Hello, I'm talking to you lady" I turn to see what she see and it's all in slow motion. A dark ball of darkness with purple lightning? Racing toward me.

"NOAHH!" His name screams from my throat. Leaving me breathless. I can't see. It's dark again it makes me panic. I jump off of what ever I was on looking for somewhere safe hoping to not run into-

A dark figures stops me before I can move any further. nebula? Oh god please. I begin to punch the figure over and over till I couldn't no more. Obvious to the figure, that my attempt wasn't phasing it. I feel my body rack with sobs then feel nothing at all.

Hay guys I got 35 reads I'm so happy😁. Don't worry the chapters will get longer and longer. An there will be a lot of cliffhangers, like this one for example. But thank you for reading let me know how it's going in the comments❤️.

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