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Jacob's Pov

    "Come on baby you got this just one more push and she's out" I say to my beautiful wife. I hate hearing her in pain but i know it's gonna be so worth it in the end. We've been waiting so long to meet our beautiful baby girl. So as Alana pushes one last time, we hear the sweetest sound of our baby's cry. The nurse placed our baby on Alanas' chest and we both couldn't hold back our tears. "You did so good baby" I told her and kissed her on her forehead. The nurse takes our baby to clear her leaving me to have Alana to myself.

    Even though she's exhausted and covered in sweat she still looks beautiful. She reached out her hand and cupped my cheek. I sink into it as we look each other's eyes. "I love you so much" she breathes. I can see how weak she's getting. "I love you too sunflower, How are you feeling? " I ask, starting to get worried. Her hand slowly falling. "Babe? Alana!" I jump up and cup her face. She's hot, really hot. "Can you stay awake for me please" Brushing her hair out of her face. Her eyes were filled with a glossy haze, an all too well tell sign. I know what's about to happen. But why? Before I can do anything the monitors start to beat out of control. "No Alana, please don't do this to me," The nurses run over pushing me aside as she begins shaking, putting her on her side. I can't do anything but watch and hope that this one is not a bad one.

Another nurse comes in with a syringe and pushes the liquid in her ivy and her shaking starts to slow. "This should help a little bit, it's nothing that will hurt her." the nurse reassures me. I run to her and grab her hand, using my other to push the hair out of her face. "We know she has epilepsy so this is normal, all the pressure and strain must have triggered something." The nurse says as she turns to the other nurse signaling its okay to finish stitching her up. I nod still looking at Alana. I feel her squeze my hand a bit and her face squnch up. "I know baby, its okay. You had a bit of a seizure." i tell her. She lets out a breath and lets her head fall into my hand that was rubbing her cheek. "You can rest now sunflower. You did good." With that i look at the nurse still caring for our babygirl. After she was done, she wrapped her up and started waling towards me. I stand up and meet her halfway carefully taking my beautiful baby girl in my arms.

I take a seat back where i was, slowly starting to rock her back and fourth. She opened her eyes and they looked just like Alanas. Bright blue, my favorite color. She start to cry and I took the finger binky and gave it to her, shhhing her softy. She closes her eyes and I look up at Alana whos still sleeping so beautifully and smile to myself.

*The Next Day*

"Jac-" A low voice mutters and i feel a soft squeezein my hand, I stir out of my sleep to see Alana awake but still tired. I raise up out of the akward position i took when Alana woke in the middle of the night calling my name. Halfway in the chair and on the bed, like sleeping at a school desk. "Hey beautiful, you okay" i ask her as she takes her hand and combs my hair with her fingers as she nods. "Wheres the baby?" she asks. I look passed her in the bed to see the baby in the hospital crib sound asleep. I stand up and walk over gently picking her up and she starts to cry. I try to shh her and rock her as i walk over to Alana handing her to her. Her crys slow when she get in her arms.

I sit on the bed next to her and just stare at the two most beautiful girls in my life. Kissing them both on the forehead. "We didnt decide on a name" i tell her. Keeping her eyes on the baby she says; "How about Aurora". "That sounds beautiful, I love it" I walk over to where one of the nurse left her birth certificate, that i had seen last night when i put her down. I begin to write her name but what about her middle name. I look over to Alana and smile then the name came to me "Sonovia" Sun.

*End of flashback*

"Nooooo" i yell "please comeback to me, I need you" I burst into tears as I grip the cover of the empty bed. I can't believe it's been a few months since i lost Alana. She was my everything. I look at the tattoo on my arm and i can't help but cry harder.

    As bad as i wish this all was a dream, it cant be. It should've me, not her..

I wonder whats their thing with the sun. Stay tuned to one day find out the true meaning.

Hay guys, it my first time writing a book and im not going ton keep you waiting for long. SInce all this quarenteen stuff is going on, im bored and fgure this work be a great way to pass the time. If you have any questions or ideas feel free to comment below. Dont worry the chapter will get long adn long if you please, this is just the begining. Youll see what i mean by that later on. See ya in the next chapter

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