🌻Chapter 9🌻

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She was having an absent so noah walks over and rubs her shoulders. She comes back looking at prince.

"You zoned out for a bit but you're okay" Noah reassures her. She nods then smiles.

"Can I ride him?" She asks me

"He hasn't been riden in so long, it wouldn't be safe"

"Trust me, I just need to ride him" she looks at me with an innocent face.

"Fine, but you have to stay close. I have to talk with Noah anyway." I look at me and he nods. She squeals and sprints back to the barn to put the sattle as me and Noah start to walk to the fence.

"Is everything okay Jacob?" He asks

    "Yeah I just want to know more about you two, I feel like I missed out on a lot." I run my hand through my head.

     "Honestly I'm happy we're me and her stand. Sometimes there are good and bad time but nothing we can handle." He says

     "What was your childhood like? How did you meet her?"

      "I would say it was pretty normal, I grew up in a neighborhood, my parents never like to get dirty. They thought it was weird I was fascinated over farm and animal care. Then I met Aurora in like maybe high school and she  liked the things I liked so Ofcourse I was interested." He continues.

"We started hanging out more and she was always over, I had no problem with it. My parents really liked her so it was okay with them too. So when they found out about her parents they did everything they could to help. Even when all the tracking a stuff when down. Eventually we just left from the part of town." He finishes

      "It must have been really hard on her. I wish I wouldn't took her back but you see there's a problem with that." I start but he jokingly interrupts.

      "Yeah you told me with the drinking and yadahoo" he looks off

      "I wasn't mainly that" I explain. " I don't know who took Alana but i didn't want them to know about Aurora and try and take her too. Trust me mate. It was the hardest thing I had to do but it was for her safety." I finish

      "Wow dude, is there still a chance to keep looking for her, I mean Auroras older and she can probably help. She could probably feel a connection with certain objects of hers." He says and I couldn't help but like the way he's thinking.

     "I thought about that but I wanted to ease it on her and not rush her into something like this. There's more that need to be said and more she need to learn before trying again." I don't like leaving it on suspension but it better to slowly drive it.

     "Okay that seems understandable, keeping her stress free is top priority." He laughs off

     "Yeah, but I'll let her come to me about to first" I finish looking up at Aurora who stops in-front of us and jumps off.

  "Hiya fellas, Ready to go?" She says smiling.

"We'll leave when you're ready, how did Prince do?" I say as prince rubbed his nose against Aurora.

"He was amazing, just needs a little work though, nothing too major." She says running his nose back.

"Maybe one day we can all go on a trail ride." I say as we all turn walking about to the barn. I kinda miss these days. The ones where Alana and I get back from trail rides just goofing around. Have a bone fire and listen to each other's stories.

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