🌻Chapter 5🌻

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~ Aurora

I see my dads truck is huge, I like it. I'm a sucker for big wheel and mud, maybe while we're down here, we can find a spot to go mud bogging or fishing.

I always enjoyed the country life, even though those people loved in the city. I had friends with big farms that invited me to help with work, eventually it became my job working on a farm. It was also my dream to one day have one and that one day happened.

I was living a good life after I left those people. Noah and I had dated before I left so he was the one to help me escape without them knowing. He was always there for me and he knew all about those people when he would sneak over in the night and comfort me after they got violent.

When I finally had enough, I called Noah over and he and I packed all my things and never looked back. I still had my job at the farm which allowed me to afford a nice apartment in a nice neighborhood, till we moved where were are now. Ofcourse Noah's family was wealthy and tried to help but we politely declined and wanted to work for it. No hard feeling involved. They understood and supported us if we would need it.

Fortunately, we made it. We built our own house on 200+ acres. Ofcourse it's littered with livestock. Absolute Perfection.

     We worked hard and it was easy and now that we had some free time to focus on ourself i wanted to find my dad and make my life more meaningful

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     We worked hard and it was easy and now that we had some free time to focus on ourself i wanted to find my dad and make my life more meaningful. I was so grateful that I found him. I knew it was home when he called me Sonovia. That was my middle name and only my real father would know because no one knew of it.

     It's so nice to know that I've found him,but now that I have, I can help but wonder about my mom. I had heard about her in the charts but it doesn't say if she died just says; "No known updates". Which is weird since it's says where she lived and last location. It's not far from here from what it's said. I'll ask him when the time is right, i just met him so yeah.

We're on our way to the restaurant and can help but feel my head starting to hurt. Its dull so I easily forget about it. We all were in the front. It's a big truck and I was small enough to fit in the middle where the cup hold comes it. I'd get motion sickness if I wasn't looking at the road in someway.

It wasn't like I was paying attention anyway, Jacob and Noah were laughing at the stories each would tell. It made me laugh too, honestly.

"It was especially funny when we were feeding pigs and big Wiley pushed her into the feeding trough covering her in slop. She was so mad, it took her five showers just to get smell out." They both start laughing and I playfully hit Noah for telling that.

"Hey that's not funny meanies" I fold my arms and pout.

"Ah come on sunshine, that was pretty funny. How about when we get back home, i'll take u in the back to see Nasty Ricky" Jacob says

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