🌻Chapter 8🌻

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      "Hey Jacob" I see Noah coming down the stairs.

     "She's sleep?"

     "Yeah, I'm going to the car to get our luggage, Can you watch her? I'll be back in a sec" he says, I nod  as he walks out the door.

     I grab a cold bottle of water and start to head up stairs when I heard a weird noise. It sounds like groaning. I shake it off thinking it just Aurora tossing and turning. She's had a rough day and she's likely to be pretty exhausted.

     I crack the door open to see her sleeping. I don't want to wake her so I just sit in the floor against the wall, with the door still cracked. It's not creepy unless you make it, I am her father. Plus I think it would be a little frightening if she were to wake up with me just standing there.  I'm not sure how she will handle that. I know Alana would freeze up and faint, especially in a state after a seizure. Too vulnerable to defend her self.

      "DAMMIT!"  The power in me leaves my body worst than before. Pure rage. 

     The robber holding Alana drops her to the ground, my blood boils with anger. I can't stop it now. The robber freezes at the sight of my new form long enough for me to run over and grab him. His feet dangling in the air, his clawing attempts at my arms, his screams muffled as I strangle all the life out of him. His eyes turning blood shot as the pressure builds inside. His body limps in my gasp, throwing him, with the power inside me, against the trees, breaking the bones that remained.

"Aaughh" the painful sounds come grime her mouth. My original form returns as I rush over to her. Theres blood pooling around her. Not big but a little concerning. She winces when i try to reach and see where it's coming from.

"Alana I'm so sorry you saw that but please let me help you." It breaks my heart, I scared her but she still nods. I was only trying to protect her.

I lift up her shirt lucky to see the bullet only grazed her side, he must've done it accidentally when I threw his buddy.

"Come in babe, we gotta leave before the police come" She's nod so I pick her up and make our way to the hospital.

My thoughts were interrupted by screams. I jump up realizing it was Aurora, I rush in only to feel her run into my chest and fall. Noah was right behind me watching how everything unfolded. We both were confused til we realized she had fainted.

"I thought she was sleep?"

"She was"

I turn on the lights and the room was empty.

"I think she might have had a nightmare and it scared her to death." I say picking her up. "I'll take her back to bed" I look at Noah picking up the luggage he drops as I lay her back down.

"Call me if you need anything, I'm heading off to bed, my rooms at the end of the hall."

     "Thanks you Jacob, Goodnight"

     "Np bud, night"


     "RISE N SHINE, GOTTA WORK" I bang on the door to the guest room.

     " You have anything better to do than to bang on the door at 8 am." Auroras groggy voice.

     "Nope. Now come on you two, I want you to meet someone"

"If it doesn't involve bacon, then no" It sounded like her head was under the pillow when she said that.

"It does" I laugh to myself, it was wrong but technically it's true.

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