🌻Chapter 4🌻

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      *beep*beep*beep* The alarm clock goes off and it usually irritates me, but today is going to be life changing. Im finally going to meet my daughter. I missed holding her, Its been so long.  When I talked to her, her voice was just as angelic as Alana. God I miss her so much. He soft skin, her eyes, her laugh, her smile, Her everything.

     The only downside was Alanas seizures, they were no problem for me, but it was so draining on her. We prayed it wouldnt get in the way when she was carrying sonovia, and it didnt, for awhile. Until she gave birth.

     I haven't seen her seize in so long, my heart broke because I thought I lost her then. But nothing wouldn't ever prepared me for when I lost her for good.

     I stepped into the shower and turn it in sending ice cold water down my skin. My body froze(literally) sending me back to that place I hated.

    "Jaccey, w-why ou y-you s-stay..  wit m-me" Alanas head lowers down, her seizure is wearing off making her emotional. Not unusual

     "Because I love you Alana" I say gently grabbing her face to face me.

     We were siting in the truck hiding away from the people at the party. The lights had got to be too much for Alana. I knew when she tugged on my shirt so I manage to get her out before she started convulsing.

     "I-I wove you t-to, b-but I d-don't wanna k-keep put-tin you through t-this." I wipe always her tears

     "Babe, I don't care because at the end of every single day, I fall more in love with you. Seizures or not, It's what makes you, you babe. I'd do anything to keep you in my life, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. So will our future child. I want to experience any and everything with you and only you. I wouldn't have it any other way." I kiss her on the forehead then she looks me in my eyes. "You're my sunflower for a reason, you light up my world and you will never fail to do that." I wipe away her tears and she pulls me in for a kiss.

     She pulls back and I see the worry in her eyes. I lift my hands up to run her cheek when I hear the shatter of  glass. Everything happens so fast. I tried to turn the truck on and drive off but they pulled Alana through the window. I punch the guy holding on to my door so I can get out and run to Alana. She tries to fight back but she can't.

     I didn't notice the guy I punched got up and jumped on me from behind, holding me in a headlock.

"We don't want to hurt you and your little whore so where the money"

     Something clicked inside me.

     "I suggest you better take that back before I will be the one that hurts you"  I close my eyes trying to suppress the feeling that's rising inside me.

"Oh yeah, try me-"

     Before I knew it, I couldn't hold it in anymore. Last thing I saw was him flying across the parking lot and the fear of good in the other robbers eyes befor-


~end of flashback~

     I'm brought back to reality by the hot water falling on my skin. It hides the tears that I didn't know had fell.  It's feel so real, I felt to vulnerable, I failed her that day. She was so scared of me when she woke up in the hospital. Confused on what just happened. That day she found out what I was hiding, I never wanted it to get that far but I couldn't. I had to protect her and I failed.

     I step out looking at my self in the foggy mirror trying to collect myself before Sonovia gets here. I made reservations at the restaurant Alana and I used to go to. It was her favorite, mainly because of the fries. I never knew why but it made me happy seeing her happy.

I put in a decent pair of jean and my most fancy boots. I never liked the thought of dress shoes, unless it were a weeding or church. Know what, i probably wouldn't have worn them then. Anyway, i put on a dark blue button of shirt with a matching hat. I took the fishing hooks out to look more professional.

My boot click against the hard floor in the kitchen as I make a cup of coffee. Me and Justin clean and discovered we had this coffee machine, I wonder what other stuff we had lies in the basement of this place.

I heard a knock on the door sending my heart to drop. It wasn't a bad thing, just my nerves. I walk to the front door, looking at the mirror on the wall, giving myself one last look before opening the door.

"Hi, I'm Jacob, and you must be" I reach my hand out to shake hers.

"Aurora" She pushes past my hand and hugs me tight. "I've waited so long for this" I hear her just sniffle.
She's crying.

"Yes babygirl, It's been too long" We release from the hug and I look up to see a boy looking a me.
Aurora takes notice.

"Oh, and this is Noah, my fiancé" She says and he reaches for my hand.

"Nice to meet you sir."His voice is stern and proper. I take his hand, I tell he's trying to make a good impression.

"No need to feel uncomfortable you two, How about you come in, our reservations aren't until 3, it's shouldn't take us that long to get there since it 1:30." I say guiding them inside.

"You made reservations, Ooo Where" Aurora says excitedly.

"A restaurant that I like to go to, I think you'll like it." I show them to the island in the kitchen. "Would you like anything to drink you two"

"I'll like a water if you don't mind," Aurora says

"I'm good," Noah retorts.

I hand her the bottle of water "thanks you" she says.

"Not being rude but how did you find me?" I take a seat on stool on the other side of the island.

"Well" she's starts off "It took a long time and a lot of patience. But eventually I came across the right number. They're have been a lot of guy that claim to be my father but when I got there it was... it was a trick. I knew it was you, I had a gut feeling it was" She breathes with the tears welling in her eyes.

I grab her hand and hold it in mine. "Im so sorry that happened to you, if i would've known you were looking for me, I would've made an effort to find you. But now that you're here, i'm going to try my best to answer any an every question you wish to ask me." She smiles, It's just like her mothers.

She stands up and pull me into another tight hug. "After that day I had to let you go, I was devastated. I wanted nothing more than to have you here with me. There was so much I wanted to experience with you grow up and it was taken away. I'm sorry if i couldn't be there, I tried Sonovia" I hug her even tighter. "I knew it was you dad" she burries her head in my shoulder.
After a couple minutes of is hugging, we release and I glance at my watch. "I think we should get going, it's 2:30" We all look at each other and start to head out.

"Ahh I see I have a bit of a competition" We get outside to see Noahs' truck equal to mine.

"Guess we do sir" He dips his hat and pats me on the shoulder. We all laugh and get in my truck.

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