🌻Chapter 11🌻

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I wake up to the sound of someone entering the house. I assume it was Jacob, Aurora was still sleep so left her to help him. I walk down stairs hear a voice different from his. Actually it was two voices because then a woman speaks.

I round the corner to see a guy about my height with a girl not to much shorter than him, way taller than Aurora. They turn and notice me.

"Are you Justin?" I say keeping my distance just in case.

"Yeah I am, who are you" he say stepping closer to me. He dark brown eyes were so black they looked evil. As if he were staring into my soul.

"I'm Noah, Auroras Fiancé, Jacobs daughter. We here visiting so to meet him." I explain keep my eye on he hands. He had them behind him so Ofcourse I was on guard. He's not much of a muscle guy though kinda slim an well built.

"Ohh, Jacob told me she was coming a couple days ago. I didn't know y'all would still be here." He says removing he hand back in view. "Where Aurora I would love to meet her"

"Well she upstairs sleeping, I would like to not bother her." I say. He raises he head in an understanding "oh" movement. Then looks at the woman.

"Oh, this is Jez, my girlfriend." He says as she reaches out a hand to mine. I shake it and she pulls back lingering her fingers on mine. She gawks me up and down, pretending Justin not in the room,  biting her lip. He looks away and sighs. I can tell this will be a pain.

      "Well I'm going to go check on my fiancé" I say just so she gets the drift. She turns her head, rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. It's like I offended her or something. I turn to go back up the stairs when Jacob walks through the doors, hands full of groceries.

      "Let me get that" I say taking them away from him and walking pass Jez to get to the kitchen. She keeps her eyes on me the whole time until Justin speaks.

      "I didn't expect you to be back so soon. What's good buddy" Jacob says wrapping Justin in a man hug.

      "Yeah, I figured I'd stop by while I was on this side. I'm staying with Jez for a minute. So I won't be around much, just here and there" he explains.

      "hey Jez, nice to mean you again." He tips his hat at her and she winks. What's up with this girl like seriously.

      Jacob pulls Justin outside, I guess to talk, then Jez walks over to me as I'm putting up the groceries. She comes and rubs her hand around my shoulder and I shove her off.

      "Can you not, aren't you with Justin? Do that to him."I say walking away putting things in the cabinet. I turn back around to see her trying to lean over the counter in a seductive way. 

       "Ah come on, Justin's gone and it just me and you" she says tapping her nails along the counter.

      "Hey, I don't know what your aim is but I said I have a fiancé and she upstairs" I say walking alway from her again. 

       "So, she's sleeping. What does that have to do with us." She stands trying to get in the way of me.

     "Is has everything to do with this. What is your problem?" I say going around her. I know if I would've pushed her out the way I wouldn't hear the end of it.

      "My problem is, I want you, come on we can do a quickie right here, I know you want me" she say getting in front of me again feeling on my chest. I take her hand and throw it off me .

     "Yeah, ok. I'm done" and with that I leave the kitchen and go back upstairs with Aurora. She tries to follow me but I slam the door in her face. It makes Aurora jump out the bed and I go over an hug her.

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