🌻Chapter 19🌻

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I push Justin up against the wall by his shirt, hands digging and twisting into the fabric.

"You idiot, you must really want me to kill you. I asked you to leave." I hiss at him.

"Jacob look I'm sorry. I needed to warn you" he blurts out.

"Warn me?, I can handle my self Justin."

"I told you Jez had a spell on me and when you did what you did I felt free. I didn't have a chance to tell you before but now that she's gone, more people are going to come after her."

"What are you talking about?" I release him from my grasp.

"You know what I'm talking about Jacob, that girl is there dangerous to them. Even if she does or doesn't have that power yet. They hired Jez to take care of her by getting close to me hoping that she'd come around you. I would've told you sooner to not let her come down here. Then when I told Jez about how to leave her alone bc she was your daughter and how you haven't seen her since she was tiny, she flipped bricks. All I could remember was waking up the next morning with doing everything thing she said. I couldn't control it." he explains more in depth. "Things you know I could never do, that I regret til this day. She had me cleaning up her dirty work from other victims, inflicting pain of them if she didn't feel like doing it, even going as far as to molesting woman who she thought like me. She envied them, even if they bat an eye at me, she hated it. When all she did was sit back and watch. I tried to break through it but it was like my body was listening to my brain. You're lucky you showed up in time because if you didn't, idk what she wouldn't made be done after she was finished." He ends slinging his hand up, pulling at his hair.

At that moment, I didn't know what to do but I knew what to say.

"Jacob I'm so sorry I never wanted this-" he pleads

I turn and face him, leaning beside his ear in an Intimidating manner.

"I forgive you this time, but if this happens again and you were to lay a finger on her. You're dead" I promised him and walked off just as there was a knock on the front door. He left the same way he came and I made sure he was gone before I opened the door. Seeing his black car fade down the driveway

"Good timing" I rush motioning him to follow me back to we're Aurora was. He was on my heels as we reached the door, haven't said a word yet.

    Noah was holding her, rocking back and forth when I entered. He still had the pained look on his face as before when he looked up.

     " Noah this is Dr. lebb. He's going to look at Aurora" I reassure him. He nods looking back down at her. He maneuvers in a weird way to where she's slouched upright in between his legs.

     I seen she came to a little but still too out of it, so she closed her eyes, wincing at the movements. The doctor walks over crouching down beside them.

     "Hey sweetie, I'm Dr. lebb. Can you recall what happened" he coaxed feeling her forehead. All she could manage to do was open her eyes and look him, Then Noah spoke up.

      "It wasn't even 30 minutes when we had left" his breath was shaky. "Her whole stomach is bruised, I walked in here and she was against the wall seizing. Idk how long it was before I came in" he explained. His head was lowered just focused on her.

     "Does she have a history of seizures?" Noah nodded as he attempted to lift up her shirt. "May I?"
The doctor lifted up her shirt to a horrific sight. Not only was it bruised but with little gashes here and there. Maybe it was from the glass, at-least that's what I'm going to tell myself.

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