🌻Chapter 20🌻

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"There no time for me to stay, I've come to warn you." The voice speaks

"Ala- " I start

"Please, just listen" she interrupts. I swallow the lump in my throat and do as told.

"Nebula will be coming after her soon, when she awakes, ask her about the visions she's had with me so she knows. It's now or never. Now that you know what lies inside her. Train her, just like I taught you before, because he has become more powerful . It took all I had just to save her from one of these visions. I don't know when but I've held him off for a long time." You can hear the worry in her voice as she explains. "It's long enough for 5 months, sooner or later, he's going to break free and come after her. So train her to your hardest and I'll try to do what I can when she visits my world again." He glowing figure starts to fade. "And Jacob, please tell her who I am. I love you higher" she ends, then her figure was gone.

Seeing her kicked the breath out of my chest, oh how I missed her so. It was no time to be overwhelmed by emotions, I'm was fine again knowing that she was still alive.

A cough breaks the silence between us all. Aurora had woken up.

"Babe I missed you" goes Noah. She looks at him with a confused stare. Hopefully the healing process or the seizures took away the memory of what happened.

"Who are all you people, where am I?" She starts to freak. She pushes away from Noah and darts to the other side of the room. Maybe a little too much happend inside her head.

Noah instinctively was behind her at a safe distance. Dr.Lebb and I stayed still fearing the worst.

"It's Noah. Do you remember me?" He asks motioning toward her.

She shakes her head with her hand gripping on to the barrier of the door. Trying to pushing her self away, more into the wall behind her.

"thunder and lightning" she barely whispers.

    "No. there's no thunder, there's no lightning. It's only you and me" Noah coaxed

     One of her hands lost the grip on the door frame and she started taping. Noah took notice, running to grab her hand, screaming when they made contact. Not a high pitch scream but through gritted teeth. What ever was going on, he still held her hand in his as smoke started coming from it.

     She looked as if it wasn't bothering her, looking at Noah in complete disbelief. She tried to pull back but to no avail. He had her in a death grip. He looked deep into her eyes and expression on her face relaxed. She was lost. Tears began to fall and he let go pulling her into a hug.  The two of them stayed like that even falling onto the floor.

      The love between them two could stop anything. I looked around the room making eye contact with the Dr. I gestured him out tilting my head to the doorway so we can give them some privacy.

As soon as I close the door he spoke up.

"Jacob.. we can't let what we saw get out. For now we just got to act in what she said back there. If I'm not mistaken, 5 months?" Dr Lebb begin to sort.

     "Yeah and until then we have to keep a close watch in her. I don't think is safe here dad" I said

     "What do you mean it's not safe. You have a lot of land which mean there's a lot of places to hide if something were to happen. We have enough time and resources to make this place extra safe if you don't feel like it is". Dr lebb explained.

     "I know my powers are probably not up to par but isn't there a way to put a protection bubble or seal around the property. I could try and help" I questioned

    " Yes I suppose there is. I have some things back at home to make a barrier. It just requires going around each corner of this place and setting it properly." He said

     "Well I'll leave it to you to go fetch all that you need and we can take the Kubota out so we don't have to walk." I say

      "Sounds good to me, I'll be back around 2 hours but in the meantime I would suggest you let her get some rest. Now that I know my granddaughter is alive and well I suppose you better keep it that way" he warns beginning to walk away.

     "Trust me dad, I got it" I say. I figure I won't bother them for awhile so I head downstairs to try an atleast clean up some of the mess. Something to distract the rising anxiety inside me. Seeing Alana for the first time in years and I didn't get the chance to touch her. She still looked beautiful as ever.

     When it came to business we knew we couldn't let our feeling get in the way. But it made me do better. Knowing she was by my side, taking down enemies, completing missions, growing in strength together, soothed my soul.

     I can't stress enough how heart broken I was when Alana disappeared, but now that I know there's a chance of her being alive makes it harder to comprehend, being since there no source of communication. There were so many questions that I would've loved to ask her. And so man-

      I'm stopped in my tracks the empty feeling in my chest. My heart going haywire as I try to steady my balance. My hand began to shake as I lean against the wall. God I hate the feeling but my thoughts race on. I turn and slide down the wall trying to catch my breath with my fist clenching tight on my Jeans 'with what was little of it.'

I try my best to calm down but through gritted teeth I try to muster this lifetime of pain. My chest got tighter and tighter and my vison blurred. I could see nothing but emptiness, I just wanted this pain to stop. I heard nothing but the fast beat of my heart i passed out but it didn't feel like nothing. I heard nothing real but her laughter filling my head space.

The memories of us playing around like kids who were free. The time we went running through the woods trying to see who made it to the swim hole first. Whoever lost had to jump in first.

     I hate how good memories have such a bad effect

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I hate how good memories have such a bad effect. Only thing bad about that time was when I jump in after losing. I broke my foot. I was down for long, nothing stopped us from having fun. Ever since she left my anxiety has gotten worst. The pills they gave me suck butt and don't help.

Wish I could stay in this altered reality and never have to worry about seeing her leave. I'm still gonna look for her physical self but it's scares me. I would hate to lose them both. I just want my family back.

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