🌻Chapter 3🌻

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What is this place?
I wake up in the middle of a field. Feeling warm. It's a sunflower field. An endless sunflower field.
Why would I be here?
The sky is painted in a light blue and the clouds are perfectly in line. For some odd reason, it feels like a home. I start to walk down the paths already made and run my fingers through the pedals as I go. They haven't begun to get as tall as they do so they're up to my waist. I stopped and picked one up when i heard a voice making me drop it and freeze in place.

"Hi Sonovia" A woman's voice echo throw this land of sunflowers.

"Hello, who are you? Show yourself" I look around and theirs nothing but sunflowers.

A cold chill runs down my spine when a beautiful blonde lady appears in front of me. She wear a beautiful long flowing white dress and it's gently floating in the wind. It looks as if she's an angel.

"Hi, I finally get to meet you" She takes my hand in hers and looks me up in down, taking in every detail.

"Meet me? Do you know who I am?" I look at her with my eyebrow cocked in a tight angle.

"Yes I do. I am your m-" She's cut off by a rumble in the ground. We look to where we heard it and there's dark clouds starting to form. She lets go of my hand and starting to rise in the air unleashing this bright but beautiful light. She sees something far out there that I don't.

She looks down at me and i'm visibly shaking in my shoes.

"I don't want you to be scared, but I'll tell you everything when the time is right. But for now, I gotta get you outta here" She said to me floating at eye level to me.

"I - I don't understand" My hands start to shake

"No time to explain, so just be safe sonovia". She touch her finger to my temple and everything goes black.

I wake up to darkness, looking around and I see the light from my balcony. How did I get in here?. I feel a weight shift in the bed and a tired Noah sits up and looks at me with worry on his face.

"Hey" he soothes, with he's hand rising and caressing my cheek. "Are you okay babe"

I shake my head and lean into his chest.

     "I was a zezure, dwitin I?" I say, I notice the pain in my tongue making me cringe from the iron taste.

     He giggles a big when I feel him nod then kiss my forehead. "It wasn't long babe, short a sweet."

"I thought the medicine was working" I hug him

"I know babe, it's gonna be okay. We can call the Dr. in the morning" He kisses my head and we lay back together. Eventually I fall back to sleep to him playing with my hair. That is so comfortable.


The smell of bacon fills the air waking me from my sleep. It smells better knowing i'm not cooking it and not attempting to burn down the kitchen. I get out of bed and my head was hurt a bit but I ignored it walking down the stair into the kitchen.

"Good Morning Sunshine, do you feel ok?" He turns around putting the bacon on my plate.

"Yeah, just a small headache but I think I just need my medicine" I say taking the plate of bacon

He reaches in the cabinet and gets me my medicine and a bottle of water from the fridge.

"You know I could've got that, right" Shoving the eggs in my mouth that I stole from his plate.

" Haha you're funny, you know I can't allow that, plus you're to short to reach anyway" He putting the dishes in the sink.

"Meanie" I roll my eyes and taking my last piece of bacon with my upstairs to get dressed.

"I love you to" I feel him staring at me but I ignore him on purpose. hehe

"I'm gonna take a shower then i'll be back down so we can leave, I thinks it's an hour in a half drive" I shout from upstairs.

I heard him say, okay, then I head into the bedroom.


I get out the shower and I see Noah packing so thing in our bag.

"I called out of work for awhile so we can stay down there as a get away" He smiles seeing me in my towel "and hopefully to get busy" I blush at his response. "Haha, I swear you're something else. I laugh.

I threw on some blue skinny jeans with a light turquoise blue shirt and a camo zip up jacket. Completed with some white Chuck Taylors. Trust me, I couldn't wear a dress to save my life. I would literally break my neck in heels

"Woah, look at you beautiful but yhose arent the right shoes for muddin darlin" He says standing in the door frame.

"That's what your trucks' for babe, but i'm pretty sure we won't be doing any of that while we're gone. Unless we see a mud hole, in that case, i'll bring my muckers." We both laugh and start to head out the house.

"You sure you're ready babe." He Holds open the truck door for me. Holding my hand as I step in. Ofcourse on my side, there are steps to get in. What can we say, we like to go big or go home.

"Ready as I'll ever be" With that I look out the window, watching our long dirt driveway go by. On our way to start a new journey.

ready as i'll ever be, right?

Hay guys, schools be pretty stressful but i'm going to try hard and update as much as possible. Thank you for reading.

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