🌻Chapter 14🌻

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     We were near the hospital the machines starting beeping along with my watch. She's was going into yet another seizure. The paramedics were on it quick and were able to stop it again. They ending up having to give her oxygen but something more was wrong and I couldn't put my finger on.

      We get to the hospital and they wheel her into a room while a nurse pulls me aside to talk to me.

     "My name is Anna, Do you know what could've caused this? Did she hit her head during one? Did she have a fever or feel off before it started?" The nurse throws questions at me. It made me frustrated because I wanted to get back with Aurora.

     "No. no. no.. wait yes, she did have a fever. It was really high and it came out of no where" How could I forget that. She jots it down on her clipboard.

    "Can you remember what it read?" She ask

     I think about it for a sec "yeah I think it was 103 something"

     "What were y'all doing before? What about earlier?" She asked, waving her hand for me to follow her.

      "We were all eating and watching a movie. She didn't look off.  She had a seizure earlier but it didn't last long, it was her usual time around 2-3 minutes." I explain.

      "Did she get hurt during that one" she ask me walking into Auroras room then turning to face me

      "Well, I don- surely this can't be all because she cut herself on the floor." I say looking over her shoulder.

     "She's heavily sedated right now and also suffering from status epilepticcus. Hopefully we caught it in time to not cause any brain damage, we won't know til she wakes up. She's going to be out for a while so don't worry, but where did she cut herself?"

      "Oh okay, let's hope" I sigh "It was on her lower back, it didn't look bad, we cleaned it and everything after she came to."

     The nurse walks over to her and I help guide Aurora on her side so she can see. I'm met with an awful sight when she lifts up her shirt. "What the hell"

      "Um okay that's not good, let's set her down, I'll be back" the nurse says and she runs out the room.

The whole lower part of Auroras back was red and purple with puss over taking where the bandaid was. How could I not see that. Why didn't she say anything when it looks like it hurt. I pick up my phone and call Jacob.

J: Noah?

N: hey, um so remember that cut from earlier. Well it got really infected and now it's spreading.

J: Seriously!? But how, it wasn't that bad.

N: That's what I thought but when we looked, it was bad man, half of her lower back looks like bruising and it's so much puss you can't even tell there was a bandaid there.

J: Oh God, so her fever might've been from that. What did the doctors say?

N: well the nurse just left to go get him, I think, I not sure. Where are you?

J: I'm waiting in the waiting room? They wouldn't let me come back there. But has she woken up yet?

N: No sadly. She almost had another one in the back of the ambulance but they stopped it. They said she was in status epilepticcus, so it talking a while for her to wake up.

J: They might have to keep her over night, that's never good.

N: I was worried about that.

J: I know dude but when you have multiple seizures in a row, without coming too. You're in serious trouble especially if it was caused by an infection. But it's gonna be alright bud okay?

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