🌻Chapter 21🌻

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I placed a kiss on roars temple. No words could express how much I loved this woman. She's all that I have. To see her in pain hurt me, but as long as I know her that I can heal her, heals me. I could never doubt the love that she has for me. And she can say the same if she could. But for right now, in the moment on this cold and messed up room. If there's one thing that I know for certain is that I will protect her with my life.

She sobs into my chest, as I know her head is so rattled right now. "What happened" she speaks.

"I don't think youre ready to know yet babe" I reply

"Y-yea I want to know. I'm n-not hurting and I'm covered in b-blood" she speaks pulling away from me, rubbing her tears away with her sleeves, or what's left of them. I take her hands in mine and she sees the burns on my hand.

She gasps, "OMG, babe what happened to your hand? Does it hurt?, let me help you to the bathroom." She starts to bombard me in questions.

"I'm fine" I admit, "It's okay I promise" she looks me deep in the eyes, still with so much confusion.

"If I tell you, you have to promise me to stay calm" I ask her

She holds up her pinky and I do the same, interlocking the promise.

"Jezebeth tried to kill you" I say as soon as I said that, her body went rigid. The scared look in her eyes scared me. maybe she remembered everything that happen or maybe not.

She stayed like that for a bit i was worried she had went into another seizure. So I touched her on her shoulder and she looked at me. She wiped her tears away and faintly smiled. I dont know what she could've felt or thought of but if i was to try and get it out of her. It was going to be hard.

She grabbed my hand and kissed it. It didn't hurt as bad anymore in fact. It was starting to heal. We both pulled away an stared at my hand and watched as the wounds healed around it.

"i didnt finish babe," i said and she looked at me as if she had saw a ghost. "This lady came to visit while you were unconscious. You were covered in wounds and bruises, i honestly didnt know if you were okay. So before she came you wound starting healing on their on and you were okay again. I think this Lady was your mom. Jacob looked like he knew her from what I'm guessing. " I finished.

She looked back down at my hand and took in what was happening. By this time everything had stopped and my hand was back to normal again.

    "I healed your hand just by kissing it, this seem impossible" she says

     " i know i thought the same to but, somehow you have the power of healing. I don't know anything thing else and how deep it goes but that all i know so far." I try to explain.

    "so why am i just now finding out about this, how long have i had this going on?" She question but i don't have a for sure answer i just know the basics of this.

    "i don't know babe, i just remembering you glowing as your wounds heal and you were okay again. " I say.

    "Where's my dad,? Is he okay?" She starts to panic completely forgetting about everything else.

    "He's perfectly fine, i promise he just stepped out for a few. Maybe he's cleaning down stairs. We can go and check. She nodded and we got up out the floor and started making our way downstairs.

    As we neared the corner to the kitchen we saw Jacob layed on the floor.

    'DAD!?" Aurora screamed and ran by his side. She picked his head up into her lap and slapped his face around. It looked to have worked when he began squinting his eyes at his hits. He groan awake realizing that it was aurora and hugged her. She hugged him back. I stood back not wanting to ruin this moment.

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