🌻Chapter 15🌻

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      Moments when I walked into Auroras room I could feel something was off. I shake it off thinking it's just the position she's in right now. After I had talked with Noah, deciding to stay here, I lay down to get some rest. Still having that feeling of something being off.

     I eventually drift off to sleep, dreaming of sunflowers field? It felt weird to be here, like I'm really not supposed to. It was like some kind of world, I can't put my finger on it, but it look familiar.

     Walking around, out the corner of my eye, I see two figures running into the flower field. Automatically I start running toward them. I was pretty far so it as going to be a minute.

I reach the entrance trying to find which way they could've gone. I found a path of some that was broken down so that's what I followed. Getting closer I here the rustling of the both, I think. So I s stop and creep up to them.

It looked like Aurora, and the girl on top of her was Jezebeth. What the heck? My power takes over soon as I see Jezebeth on top of Aurora. Feeling my body walking on it own til I was infront of the two.
My hands raise up, bolting my power at Jezebeth sending her flying.

     Auroras was still on the ground, looking to tired to move. When I seen the she had blacked out, I booked it, to find Jezebeth. The rage that was in me was unexplainable and my mind couldn't comprehend it. I told my self a long time ahi that I wouldn't let this overtake me anymore, but this is important.

     I find her on her hands and knees appearing to be searching for something. Looking by my feet, I see a knife and pick it up.

     "I take it this is what you're looking for?" I say and she jumps at attention. "You know I clearly told you to stay away from her, and yet here you are"

     "I was on a mission" she says standing up, facing me, wiping the dirt off of her. "why waste your time on that worthless piece of shit".

     All at once, I hoist her up in the air by her throat. "Say anything more about her I won't hesitate to decapitate you right here with my bare hand. Now WHO SENT YOU!" I yell feeling every vein in her neck beating against my hand. I squeezed tighter when she didn't answer. "WHO!"

     Her legs kick at my body from her struggling under my grasp.

     "I'm afraid I can't tell you that" she says and with that she disappears out of my grasp.

     I wake exhausted, I guess dreaming when I use my power work the same in real life. Stretching carefully to not make any sound just incase Noah was sleep. The poor boy has really been through it, so he needs all the rest he can get. 

     Alanas used to get this bad when she was sick so she was constantly monitored. Those days I could never sleep, if I did, I was a very light sleeper just in case. I never really liked the hospital, only in urgency, so I had a doctor to come whenever I need him.

     I sit up, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. When they clear up I look to see that Aurora was sleep in Noah's arms. She must've woken up in the middle of the night. I bet he feels a lot better than before, she could calm him down better than I can.

     The door opens in the midst of me getting, it was the nurse from earlier. She walks in seeing the position there in and I hold up a finger shhing her. She motion from me to come outside so I do.

     "I see she woke up" she starts

     "Yeah, I'm glad she did or worse he would be losing his mind" I laugh a bit make he laugh in the process.

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