chapter 4。forgot.

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Tuesday, Decemeber 9th•


I woke up and stretched my arms out. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone and checked the time.



That almost kiss with Cameron had me up all night. And I think I barely got 4 maybe 5 hours of sleep.

I slowly got up regretting every move I make to get out of bed. I went to my shower rubbing my eyes and turning it on warm. I stripped and got in. As I finished I wrapped a towel around me and stepped out. I dried myself off and chose my outfit, putting my contacts in.

•picture above•

I chose my black combat boots since it's getting colder each day. I did my makeup and grabbed my bag walking downstairs.

"Morning." Mo dragged.

"Morning." I mocked.

I grabbed an apple, got my keys and left the house saying goodbye to everyone. I got in my car and headed I to school. I parked and got out. I texted Tess asking where she was.

Me: Morning babe. Where you at?

Tess💘: Hey babe. I'm at Sawyer's locker come child.

Me: Lol kk

I walked towards the F building going through an empty hallway and my phone buzzed. Usually that means I get an email.

I checked the email and then locked my phone before bumping into something hard. I fell back a bit before someone grabbed my waist.

"Hey Keilani." Cameron smiled.

I blushed, "Hi."

"Oh you forgot something yesterday at my house." He said.

"Oh, really? I was so sure I got everything." I started to rummage through my bag.

"I mean, I think I got everything-"

I looked up and Cameron pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked at first, but melted at the contact. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I gradually put my hands around his neck.

He let go after 10 seconds and let the kiss linger on my lips. My eyes were still closed and my hands were to my sides. His hands were still on my waist.

I finally opened my eyes, "I-uh, I'm glad you remembered that." I giggled blushing.

"You're cute when you blush. Come on." He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the F building. He swung our hands gently.

"So what do you say? Will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asked looking down at me.

I stepped in front of him and tippy-toed up and pecked his lips.

"Is that a yes?" He asked smiling.

"A million kisses yes." I chuckled.

He laughed and kissed my cheek as the bell rang. We walked to our class and Sawyer and Tess came up to us. Sawyer talked to Cameron and Tess grabbed my arm.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"With Cameron." I smiled.

"Oh. Cameron. Gotcha." She smirked.

"Yeah. We kissed." I mumbled.

"Kissed?!" She shouted but no one heard because it was so loud.

"Yes now shut up. I'll tell you about it later." I said as we got in class and took our seats.

。after school。

Cameron grabbed my hand right as I stepped out of last period.

"Oh, hi." I blushed looking at our hands.

"Hey." He smiled as he let go and wrapped his arm around my waist.

My phone buzzed. I grabbed it out of my bag and answered.

Me: Yes Sawyer?

S: Come over tonight?

Me: Sorry buddy, I got a hot date

I chuckled.

S: Oh really now? Who?

I handed my phone to Cameron and put it on speaker.

C: Hey Sawyer.

S: No way. You finally asked her out?

C: Yup

S: Nice well, I'll go and just have a hot date with Tess.

Me: You do that.

S: Byeeeee

C: Bye dude

Me: Bye bud

I hung up and Cameron grabbed my hand. We walked to the parking lot and he walked me to my car.

"I'll pick you up around 7. Is that okay with you?" He asked.

"Yeah of course. Should I dress casual or fancy?" I asked.

"Casual, but dress for the cold weather." He said tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear. I smiled and blushed.

"Okay." I said.

"I'll see you later." He said and kissed my cheek walking away.

I mentally melted standing there as the kiss lingered on my cheek. I grinned wildly and got in my car, heading home.

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