chapter 23。sushi and i love you.

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Go vote for chapter 22 get it to 20 yeah?

And I wanted to say a humongous thank you to everyone who's voted for this story and any other stories I've written.

You guys give me more motivation to write and yeah,

Thanks <3 // Enjoy babes


"Keilani come on we're locking up!" I heard my mom say. It was 8:36 and Cameron and I were in my dance room. I was attempting to teach him how I roll my hips that fast.

"We have to work on this." I said as my hands were on his hips. I got on my tippy toes and pecked his cheek before going to my bag. I grabbed my change of clothes then walked to the front, Cameron close behind with his hand on my hip.

"I'm going to change really quick." I told my mom who was locking her office. She nodded.

My clothes consisted of white skinny jeans, my blue "Chino Cowboys Softball" long-sleeve shirt that was cut up at the bottom; to make it sort of like a crop top but it ended just below the top of my jeans. And I added my black socks with my black vans.

I walked back out to see everyone outside and my mom waiting for me at the door. I smiled cheesily, walking to my mom.

"Come on we have reservations at Shōgun." She said shooing me out the door. Cameron looked up from his phone holding his hand out for me to take. I gladly took his hand as he brought me quickly into his arms. He kissed my temple and led us to his car.

"Your mom said it was okay for me to take you." He said opening the door for me. I nodded and thanked him.

I saw Em in her car seat as she waved excitedly at me. I waved back and buckled myself in the seat. Cameron came in the car smiling at me.

"What?" I laughed.

"I just-" He began.

"Just what?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Never mind." He said grabbing my hand locking our fingers together. He brought my hand to his lips placing a gentle kiss to the back of my hand while backing out of the parking space. He followed my moms car to Shōgun. Julia's car was following Cameron's. Once we arrived we all got out making our way to the front.

"Reservation for Isabel." My mom said to the hostess. The girl nodded and led us to a table. The cook wasn't there yet but we waited for our waiter or waitress.

"Good evening. I'm Leah I'll be your waitress for the night. Can I get you all something to drink?" She asked going to each of us. She came to my side of the table.

"What can I get you?" She said looking at Cameron batting her eyelashes.

"I'll have a water." He said.

"Okay and you?" She said not even looking at me just pointing with her pen.

"I'll also have some water." I responded. She gave a fake smile and walked off.

"Got any Christmas plans?" Cameron asked wrapping his arm around my chair and facing himself towards me.

"My mom was thinking of having the family fly out from Hawaii and Florida. But I don't know now because they decided to have Christmas at our house." I said holding his other hand and messing with his fingers.

"Sounds fun." He chuckled.

"Mhm. All 15 of my cousins in one house." I said truthfully excited.

"How about you huh? Got any amazing plans for Christmas?" I asked as the chef came to our table.

"Just hanging out with the family. I still have to go Christmas shopping. Now that I think of it." He said. I have to go shop too.

We put in our orders to the chef and he cooked. Everyone made small talk and enjoyed each other's company.

"Would you like another water?" Leah said to Cameron. He nodded thanking her. She walked off and he looked back to me.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He said. I blushed looking down.

"I'm serious Lani." He said.

"I know you are." I said looking up at him. He leaned in closer my lips brushing against them but then he swooped down drinking my drink. I sat there with my mouth in the shape of an 'o'. He began to laugh as I slapped his arm.

"Asshole." I mumbled.

"Awh baby, I'm sorry." He said between laughs.

"Yeah, you're gonna be sorry." I mumbled.

"What was that?" He asked tilting my chin up.

"Nothing." I said.

He pouted, "I love you." I blinked then looked at him.

Wait what?
Did he just say that?
What do I say?

"Uh-" I said and he saw my expression. Then it fell silent.

"Keilani. Say something." He pleaded.

"I, um-" I got cut off by the chef who handed Cameron and I some type of sushi. I nodded and thanked the chef.

where do you guys live?
I live in California🤘🏽

sorry for the shortness it'll be longer by chapter 25 I promise :)

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