chapter 22。dance with me?

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"Keilani!" My mother yelled me over.

"Coming!" I said as I let go of Cameron's hand. I ran into the office as she turned to me.

"Have you gotten people to volunteer for to help the little ones' classes?" She questioned.

"Yeah, actually a couple kids said they'd talk to you about it after class today." I said. She nodded and shooed me off. I walked back outside to Cameron to see he was watching Emelie's class.

"She's honestly so cute." He smiled.

"I know. She's just a bundle of joy." I laughed. He smiled down at me grabbing my hips.

"Join us for sushi?" I asked running my hand through his quiffed hair.

"If I'm invited. I don't like crashing dinner plans." He said.

"I just invited you, silly." I giggled.

"Oh my god that was the cutest thing you've ever done." He said pecking my forehead.

"Keilani, you have a class to teach." My mom said tapping her watch indicating the time. I looked at the clock to see it was 12:50. I teach the 1, 2:15, 3:30 classes. The classes are always an hour then we have a 15 minutes in between. I teach the classes that have kids my age.

"You can sit inside with me and watch." I said my hand wrapped in his as I guided him to my room.

"Okay." He responded as we stepped inside to see everyone stretching.

"Keilani!" Diane said. She's 18 and my best dancer. Her hips can move.

(Diane is played by Kirsten Collins :) )

"Diane!!" I smiled as we hugged.

"Who's the hottie with the body?" She said in my ear. Cameron was wearing a plain white t-shirt (that was a bit fitted), and grey joggers.

"Dude, that's my boyfriend." I whispered back kind of smirking. she gasped.

"Diane Caniff. Keilani's amazing dancer best friend." She smiled shaking his hand.

"Cameron Dallas. Keilani's amazing boyfriend." He mocked.

"Oh my god, you're the Cameron Dallas? I'm Taylor Caniff's sister!" She said. I had no idea who she was talking about or how her brother was related in this. I'm guessing it's Cameron's 'fandom' or something.

"You're Taylor's sister? I haven't seen Taylor since Magcon." He said.

"Magcon?" I questioned.

"Meet and Greet Convention." She said.

"I guess you weren't apart of the fandom." Cameron laughed.

"Nope. Just Mo and Lei. that's how they got close with Nash and Hayes. I knew you were internet famous but I didn't know you knew them through that." I said.

"Shoot, it's 1:00. Okay guys lets get started!" I said clapping my hands.

"You can sit over there and watch." I said to Cameron pointing to the front where he'd be by the radio thing where my phone was plugged in.

"By the way you're outfit is breathtaking." He smirked biting his lip.

"Shut up." I laughed pushing him slightly.

"Okay we're gonna go over the routine Julia should've taught you guys last week." I said. Everyone nodded and I told Cameron to press play on my phone.

The music began. It was just some bongos creating a beat. I decided to join since everyone looked prefect. My right hand rose up and my left to the side. My left foot was on its toes as my hips swirled around then I switched sides.

The routine went on and I could feel eyes on me. I peeked at Cameron to see him wide eyed. I quickly made eye contact with him and winked. The routine was done and we ran through it again. This time I recorded some of it. I let them have a quick break then I began to teach the next dance. It was shorter so they got the hang of it for me to watch it. I played the beat again and they began. I sat on Cameron's lap as they danced.

"Roll those hips more Myla!" I tweaked.

"There you go." I nodded as I scoped around a little more. I looked at Diane specifically at the part where we shake our hips as the beat sped up. I smiled at her as she mad eye contact.

"Can I see you do that?" Cameron whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my stomach.

I laughed, "One sec."

I ran next to Diane as she moved to the right and then we began to shake our hips again. My hands went to the side as we shook our hips moving around. Class ended and I praised everyone. This class was probably the best I had out of all my classes that were near my age.

The next class should be here soon, I thought to myself.

"Dance with me?" I asked Cameron holding my hand out.

"I don't know how to do that stuff. Plus, I can't shake my hips that fast. Which by the way you looked amazing doing it." He smirked.

"Well," I paused grabbing his hands and placing them on my hips from behind. "we can easily slow it down."

He looked a bit more serious as I swayed my hips back and forth with him. It was to the point where he was basically grinding on me when I started to laugh.

"Okay, okay. Let's not before your friend gets a bit too excited." I said. He laughed hysterically and shook his head. He kissed my cheek when the next the class started to come in. This class, sadly, had Nicole in it. Diane was supposed to be helping out today so when the class began I freaked out. This class was a bit bigger. They started to stretch and Diane came in.

"Thank the lord you came. I got scared for a second there." I laughed.

"I just went to the bathroom." She laughed.

Nicole came in and her eyes immediately fell on me then they fell on Cameron. She smiled immediately.

"Cameron!" She smiled widely. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Nicki?" He questioned.

"It's Nicole, but that's okay because I only met you a few weeks ago." She laughed twirling her hair leaning forward a bit. I looked at Cameron to see his eyes follow to her chest.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I whispered angrily.

"What?" Diane asked looking where my eyes were.

"Oh hell no." She said going over to Cameron and Nicole. Diane had the same problem with Nicole, but not that Nicole was flirting with Diane's boyfriend, it was Taylor her brother.

"Nicole back off, he has a girlfriend." She said. I started the class as they talked. I asked everyone about their knowledge about the routine Julia should've taught them and they all agreed and we went over it.

"Oh yeah who?" She rolled her eyes.

"Keilani." Cameron answered almost immediately. Thanks babe.

"Oh. Whatever." She said taking her top off revealing her red, tight mid-sleeve crop top.

I rolled my eyes internally as we continued. She was really going all out and she was doing really well. She may seem uncoordinated, but she dances really well. Diane started to join so I joined in.

weird place to end but whatever lol.

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