Chapter 66: Forgiveness

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Janus slowly rose into the living room, guiding Patton by the hand as he traipsed towards the nearest corner. Patton dazedly followed his lead with flushed cheeks, his knees buckling from their post copulation. 

"Hello Thomas, did you sleep well?" The moral side murmured foggily, grooming his sweated fringe with milky eyes. A small smile floated onto his lips, swaying him in his stance.

A look of apprehension crossed the host's features. "Dad, are you okay?"

"He's fine," Janus spoke for him, broadening his shoulders. Patton seemed to shrink behind his domineering stature, nodding intently to his words. Virgil was next to rise along side Roman and the golden spirit, releasing a tired groan of anguish. 

"I'm so sick of him Thomas, he won't shut up about me being 'destined for evil.'" He drew quotation marks in the air with his fingers, his eyeshadow blackened to a steel grey. 

"Don't be stupid, my pathetic, paranoid foe," the spirit glowered. "Your natural employment is at Deceit's feet, bowing to his supremacy. Our lives are born of hierarchy, and you would do well to accept it." 

"Falsehood." Logan cut him off with a cynical adjustment of his glasses, straightening his back as he ascended into the living room. "Why would you believe such a thing?" 

"Why, the scriptures of course," The spirit beamed. "They are etched into the spirit realm, a feudal pyramid to which we are sworn by. I would be glad to present such wonders, but you would first have to presume your grandest form." 

The room was silent until Roman queried, "Grandest form?" 

"Off course, you know what that is, yes?" 

"I'm afraid we don't." Logan responded with furrowed brows. 

Remus suddenly pounced into the living area, cackling madly as he steadied his mace in his hands. "Whooo wAnts A concussION!!!"

"Get out of here, you disgusting, malevolent, worthless dog!" The spirit snarled. 

"Hey, don't speak to my brother like that!" Roman stepped forward with clenched fists, harshly staring down Forgiveness. 

"Hey, focus guys. Forgiveness, what is the grandest form?" Thomas spoke briskly. 

The spirit tapped his chin, a grimace spreading across his lips. "The grandest form is a collection of all a side's energy, allowing them to harbour hero like abilities. Take Patton for example, his form allows him to heal wounds and destruction with a beautifying touch." 

Patton's eyes widened with a gasp. "Really? How do I do that?" 

The spirit laughed gleefully, his hand illuminating shimmering gold. "Watch and see, my kind forebear." 

"Don't hurt him!" Janus hissed, grappling the scruff of Patton's neck. 

Logan hastily raised his palms, jumping forward. "Janus, let go of him!" 

The snake whimpered with distress, avoiding his gaze until he at last released his hold. The spirit swiftly pounded an enormous golden bolt through Morality's body, thrusting him against the wall and transforming his skin into an icy blue. In a moment he was shimmering, surrounded by a breath-taking aurora. 

"W-what happened to me...?" 

Everyone was stunned silent in shock and awe, widening their eyes in disbelief. Patton was different. Brilliant cyan streaks shaped his face in volume waves, his freckles appeared a galaxy upon his pale cheeks and his body was curved and sharpened into strength and prosperity.

"The affects will wear off in an hour." The spirit grinned, before turning viciously to Remus. "May I borrow you for a moment?" He blasted a hand full of scorching power into his face, watching with satisfaction as the twin screeched out in pain. 

"Fucking- OW!" 

"Morality, heal his wound!" 

"W-what?!" Patton cried. He quickly lunged to Remus's side, watching with horror as the magic ate away at his flesh. "O-okay, uh," he lightly tapped creativity's skin, feeling an enormous rush of energy distil through his second finger and mend the broken tissue. In a few moments the injury was invisible, erased seemingly into nothing. 

Remus rubbed his face, breathing sharply. "It, it's stop hurting, thanks Pat." 

"You see? This is what I mean by the grandest form. If we all unite we will certainly be able to defeat Vengeance!" Forgiveness cheered. 

Thomas was shell-shocked, magnified by Patton's appearance. "You mean, they can all do that?" 


(Pic below, Patton's final form. Sorry it's not very good lol)

 Sorry it's not very good lol)

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