Chapter 18: Remus

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"So, where is Logan now?" Thomas questioned.

"He's in his room, but don't go in there, he needs space." Patton insisted.

Roman nodded, kneeling down to untie Patton from the kitchen chair. "How on earth did you guys even escape that snake's cell?"

Patton bit his lip before speaking out. "This is going to sound ridiculous, but Deceit freed us."

Everyone appeared equally stunned. "Why would he do that? It doesn't sound at all like Deceit." Virgil responded.

"I'm not sure. But he came, unlocked our cell, and then vanished. I'm as confused as you are."

The room was silent, until finally Virgil spoke. "Well, what do we do?"

"Maybe we should ask him ourselves." Roman spoke strongly. Everyone nodded in agreement.

In a matter of moments all five rose into the dark side living room, scanning the room for signs of Deceit. When it was empty, they universally paced down the corridor, past Virgil's and Remus's bedroom and to their right where Deceit's room stood.

Roman knocked loudly on his door, pounding his fists against the black paint job. "Janus, if you're in there, open this door."

No reply. He knocked harder again, and he received no response.

"He's probably in there," Virgil whispered. His tone had shifted to a higher one, and his voice cracked as he spoke.

"It's okay Virgil," Patton comforted him, squeezing his tense shoulder with his right hand.

"Well, I guess we should go inside," Roman sighed. "Any volunteers?"

Remus raised his hand. "Let's do this as brother's."

The twins smiled before rising up swiftly into Deceit's room, glancing down to see Janus lying face down on his mattress.

"F-Father?" Remus stammered for what he sincerely hoped would be the last time.

Janus glanced up, his eyes red from crying rivers of tears. "Get the hell away from me. I've had enough!" 

Remus felt tears begin to trickle down his own cheeks. "Please listen. I'm really thankful that you released Patton and Logan-"

"Leave!" Janus screamed. "I can't handle this anymore!" 

Remus's heart ached. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry i betrayed you..."

Roman gritted his teeth. "Don't apologise Remus. He's been manipulating you all his life, he's just trying to make you feel bad."

"This is all your fault, both of you! I did everything for you and Virgil and somehow i'm the bad guy?! Get out!" 

Remus and Roman walked themselves out, slamming the door behind them. Virgil and Roman both embraced Remus tightly as he cried, sobbing the word sorry until his lips could no longer form the phrase.

"Let's go home," Patton whispered. "We'll all feel better after some breakfast and rest." 

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