Chapter 16: Roman

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"Wake up genius," Virgil growled, slapping Roman upside the head with his pillow. "So much for 'not needing your beauty sleep.'"

Roman jolted awake from a brief nightmare, bolting upright with the broom in his hands. He instinctively held it out like a sword, pressing the blunt wooden end into Virgil's chest. Virgil immediately recognised the momentary fear in his eyes as he lowered the broom, quickly pulling an apologetic expression.

"Ha, sorry," he blushed.

"Are you okay Princey? I mean, I don't really care about you that much," he winked jokingly. "But still, are you feeling alright?"

Roman nodded. "Just dreamt about kicking Deceit's butt. Who's ready to do it for real?"

Remus leaned over the couch, punching his brother's arm. "Not Thomas."

Thomas was wrapped tightly in his bedding, groaning loudly. "Five more minutes!" Everyone in the roomed chuckled. 

Suddenly however, Patton burst into the living room, panting and confused.

"Argh!!!" Everyone in the room screamed, especially Roman. It didn't take long for him to run up to Patton and squeeze him into tight, relieved hug. Then he gasped. He stood away, grabbed his broom, and widened his stance with frightened eyes.

"How do I know you're not Janus!?" He spoke with alarm, outstretching the broom into his friend's chest. Patton raised his palms, stepping back instinctively.

"It's okay, it really is me!" He replied reassuringly.

Roman wasn't buying it however, and quickly tackled him to the ground. "Virgil, grab some rope, we can't let Deceit escape!"

In just a few minutes Virgil and Roman managed to hoist Patton into a kitchen chair and bind him to his seat, all whilst Patton repeated shakily. "I'm not Deceit, I swear, I swear!"

Roman covered his mouth with one hand, muffling his words.

"Guys, how do we work out if he's Deceit or not?"

"Why not ask him a series of questions in which only Patton can answer?" Thomas spoke wisely.

Thomas froze before shouting. "Guys, Logan must be free, I can feel my nerdy nature returning to me!"

Everyone's faces lit up at the idea of a free Logic.

"How about Morality, Thomas? Do you feel more moralistic?"

"I'll handle this one!" Remus cried, conjuring a plastic baby and a very sharp knife which he swiftly handed to Thomas.

"Argh!" Thomas exclaimed loudly, throwing them away as quickly as he could.

"He's back guys!" Roman shouted, removing his hand from Patton's mouth. "I missed you so much Padre."

Patton smiled widely, happiness radiating off his face. "I missed you too my wondrous knight in shining armour."

"Oh geez, he's come back even cringier," Virgil muttered.

"Hello, my dark strange son!"

"Hi Dad," Virgil grinned, despite his best efforts. Patton returned the gesture before turning to Remus who had a sheepish expression on his face.

"Sorry Patton," he winced.

Patton shrugged his shoulders. "So long as everyone agrees, I forgive you."

"Guys, where is Logan?" Thomas interrupted the happy regroup.

"Oh yes, Logan, where is he?" Roman agreed, scanning his eyes around the room as though he would rise up at any moment.

Patton sighed, slumping his arms. "The good news is that he's safe," he began. "The bad news is, Deceit gave him a couple of heavy doses of his venom and now he's slightly terrified you guys."

Remus's face went pale. "Oh..." he glanced over to Roman, who beared a similar expression. "...That's not very good." 

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