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     It's been five days since Mitchel and I had kissed. Was I regretting it? A little. He seemed so distant now. I wanted to bring it up, but every time I attempted to, he'd say he was in the middle of something or that he was tired and asked if we could talk later. Of course, I'd always agree, but there was never a "later."

I hated being confused. It felt like one of the worst way to torture someone. There wasn't anyone actively trying to hurt me, but it was my brain that was attacking me. For me, that was much worse.

I couldn't tell whether Mitchel was angry or embarrassed. Maybe I was getting that wrong too and he was totally cool with what happened. Then again, if he was then he wouldn't be ignoring me the way he is. I roll my eyes and throw my pillow over my face. Groaning rather loudly but hoping the pillow muffled it.

A soft knock is heard on my bedroom door.

"What?!" I shout as I remove the pillow and look at whoever was standing in my doorway.

Mitchel raises an eyebrow as he looks back at me. I smile shyly and sit up in my bed.

"Sorry, I-I was just uh," A cheeky smile spreads across Mitchel's face. Making my cheeks heat up out of embarrassment. "What's up?" I ask instead.

"You've been wanting to talk to me?" I break our eye contact.Could he read my mind? Why now? At 9 in the morning?

"Oh, right, um, yes! Talk..." I blurt out. "You can sit on my bed if you want," I suggest. He stuffs his hands in his pants pockets. Walking towards my bed and sat down on the edge of it.

I couldn't help but awe over his sleepy face and morning voice. It made me want to cuddle him.

"I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't mean you." I chuckle. "I-I was just caught up in the moment, and uh,"

"It was a mistake?" He questions, looking upset. I sit up straighter and cross my legs under the covers. Now I was at for loss words. This felt like a trick question, but I couldn't tell.

"We were kinda caught up in the moment?" I question awkwardly. Adding a light laugh to ease up the tension that was created. Mitchel remains silent.

"You seemed uncomfortable after it happened, and I tried speaking to you but you always dodged me," I add. Hoping this time he'd respond. But, he looked down at his hands that he was now fidgeting with.

"If I got that wrong then can we-"

"No, no, no, you were right. It was an accident."

I close my mouth in confusion. I figured that's what he wanted to hear, but his reaction said the complete opposite. First, he seemed upset, but now he was even more upset? My head was going to explode from the confusion.

"Why are you acting weird if we're cool?"

He sighs in response. I was getting up from my bed. He looks down at me with a serious face. I felt shy sitting in my bed with no shirt on and a confused expression set on my face.

"Nothing's wrong. I promise." He smiles. Grabbing a dirty dish I had left on my nightstand, and walked out without another word.

     Now I felt foolish. He wasn't the type of person to talk about his emotions or explain whether or not something was bothering him.

I flop back onto my bed. My arms sprawled out on my bed. My eyes fixated on the ceiling above me. I let out a deep sigh and roll onto my side. The sun shone brightly into my room. Usually, I loved when it did, but now it was bothering me.

When we went clubbing, we had almost kissed in the bathroom, and there wasn't a problem. So why is there now? Unless he didn't remember what happened the morning after we had gone out. Which meant he didn't remember saying he missed what we had. On the other hand, Mitchel said he missed me the other day. 

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