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"Hey, wanna hang out?" Mitchel asks me with a cheerful smile. I raise an eyebrow but agree. He hands me the pair of shoes I wore almost everyday.

We were working on getting things back to normal. It was taking some time but it wasn't going terrible. For the most part we were acting the way we did before but we had our awkward moments. I had a feeling those awkward moments were more of my fault because I was doing everything I could to avoid my feelings for him to show too much but I slipped up a few times. Luckily, Mitchel didn't say anything or act uncomfortable when I became too flirty.

We head down the stairs together once my shoes were on and I had grabbed essential items such as my wallet, phone, and house keys. We walk out the house and I wait as Mitchel locks the door.

"Not sure where everyone else went but you're the only person I can tolerate so..." he giggles to himself. Making a smile appear on my face.

"Thank you...I think?" He smiles. "You're welcome."

Mitchel gestures for us to get into his car. I oblige and sit in the passenger seat.

"How you've been doing lately?" I ask. He shrugs. Looking behind him and pulling out of our driveway. "Better. I've been healing well since I've gotten out of the hospital."

"You didn't have long term side effects or anything, did you?"

"No, few breathing issues but that's not long term I hope so I think I'm all good." He tells me reassuringly. I hum in response.

"And you? What's been going on lately?"

"Absolutely nothing. I've had no writing inspiration so no new songs. I've just been getting my shit together once again."

"Are you holding up, okay?" He asks. "I'm alright." I respond curtly.

It wasn't the entire truth. But I wanted to enjoy the time we were spending together without arguing or becoming upset. A comfortable silence falls between us. I watch the tall California palm trees pass us as Mitchel drives down the highway. There were so many cars but the traffic was better than it usually was.

Mitchel hands me the aux chord. I connect it to my phone and turn on some old 2000's music. Riptide was the first song that played on the playlist. Mitchel begins to nod his head to the beat of the song. For the first time in what felt like forever my worries, anger, and sadness fade away. I felt safe with Mitchel. I felt that everything would be okay.

Mitchel rolls the windows down. Opening the sun roof and allowing the autumn breeze to blow through the car.

"I love you when you're singing that song," we sing at the same time. Smiles on both of our faces. I take a glance at him as he happily drives down the highway, singing the song and enjoying himself. It brought me pure joy to see him this way.

I had no idea where we were going but I didn't care at this moment. He could be taking me somewhere to murder me and I knew I'd die happy with this memory in my head.

Mitchel pulls into a driveway. It was a restaurant we had been to before but not in a long time. My face heats up when my brain turns this into me thinking we were going on a date. I knew we weren't but it felt like it in a way.

He turns the music down and finds a parking space. I remain silent out of curiosity.

"IHOP? For lunch?" He furrows his brows at me. "And? Shit slaps any time of day."

He finally finds a spot and parks. Turning the car off and looking at me.

"I really wanted pancakes for some reason so we're here." I bite the inside of my cheek as I take a good look at him. He was wearing semi baggy pants that had a bunch of pockets with checkered print. He paired it with a white T-shirt and a polka dot button up that he left unbuttoned along with a matching hat. His clothes were a little too big for him but he managed to pull it off. He cuffed the bottom of his pants so you could see his black socks that he wore with his new white sneakers. He looked so good that I'd be  drooling at this moment if I wasn't nervous. 

My outfit was boring compared to my best friends. I had black jeans on, a white T-shirt and a black bandana tied around my neck for an extra affect. I paired it with my white sneakers as well.

"You gonna keep staring at me or do you wanna go in?" Mitchel smirks at me. Making me blush and stumble out of the car like the complete the idiot that I am. A few people wave at us but leave us alone as they noticed we were out by ourselves.

I awkwardly shove my hands in my pockets as Mitchel and I wait on the line to be seated.

"What do you wanna eat?" I mentally yell at myself for wanting to say "you". I swallow hard.

"Pancakes sound good to me too," I finally say. "Wait, we should just get a bunch of pancakes and try them all or something." I say excited. I was loosening up as I becoming more comfortable and putting my feelings to the side.

"I love the pancakes with the little faces and shit." Mitchel adds as we move up in the line.

"They make them so cute." I agree.

"Follow me." The waiter says to us when we reach the front of the line. We follow behind him and are seated at a booth next to a window. Mitchel and I sit down. The waiter sets down silverware and menus for us.

"What would y-"  The water stops mid sentence. I look up wondering what was wrong but my eyes widen. "Oh, hi Tanner." I greet him shyly.

"Uh, hey...nice to see you." He says semi sarcastically. I don't blame him. I blew him off in a really shitty way.

"Hey Mitty, hope you're doing well?" Tanner says. "I'm doing great, thanks for asking man." Mitchel replies sweetly. It bothered me slightly but I ignore it and look at the menu.

"What do you guys want to drink?" Tanner asks. "Coffee and water for me, please."

Mitchel nods his head and says "same." Tanner writes our drinks down in his notepad and disappears.

"Sorry, I didn't know he worked here." Mitchel says apologetically. I shrug. Not caring too much.

"Let's get all these pancakes. Looking at them makes me wanna orgasm."

"Okay, bet. We might be here a while."

"I don't mind if you don't." Michel shakes his head and closes the menu. I was racking my brain for things to say. I hadn't been this nervous in a while.

"You look good. I like your outfit."

What the fuck?! I think to myself. I wanted to facepalm so badly. That probably sounded way too flirtatious.

"Thanks, I try. Got tired of my regular fits so trying to switch things up a bit. I like your outfit too. We kinda match."

I look down both of our clothes. My black bandana matched with his jacket. Not a perfect match but it was there.

"You guys ready to order." Tanner asks in a monotone voice.

I was a dick for this but I decided to low-key pretend Mitchel and I were together.

"Yeah, we want all the pancakes on this menu." I respond. I send him a bright smile and he narrows his eyes at me. "Right love?" I say to Mitchel.

"Uh, yea. All of them, please." Mitchel repeats. Noticeably flustered by the nickname I called him. I grab both of our menus and hand them to Tanner.

"Thanks, we like sharing things so only one plate of each." Tanner nods. He goes to take the menus from my hand but I don't let go.

"Thanks for all your help." I wink at Tanner and let go of the menus. "Whatever." He mumbles as he walks away. I think I was successful.

"The fuck was that?" Mitchel asks when I look back at him.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I missed hanging out with you." I admit.

"Me too, it's been too long, can we not go that long without hanging out ever again?"

"Of course."

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