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     "Wanna go walk on the beach?" Mitchel asks me as he gets dressed. I remained in bed as the flashbacks from the night before appeared in my mind like a movie. Everything had been perfect. Exactly how I had imagined things would go. The only difference was that they actually happened. At times I contemplated pinching myself to make sure I hadn't been dreaming. 

Mitchel leans his hands down on the bed and stares at me until I pay attention to him. We had spent most of our day in bed. We watched movies, talked, and...other things. 

"Are you having fun?" He smirks at me, throwing my T-shirt at me. "What'd you ask?" I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I forgot what Mitchel had said. He raises an eyebrow at me. He could be so cocky without even trying. It was a tad bit infuriating. Mitchel repeats his question. "It's like eight o'clock at night," I look at my phone and read one of Clinton's messages alerting me that we had run out of milk. Was he that lazy that he couldn't get it himself? Was he really waiting for me to get it when I came back? No comment. 

"What if...someone sees us?" I question as Mitchel, and I leave our hotel room. He shrugs, grabbing ahold of my hand and guiding me to the elevator. He presses the yellow button, and we wait for the doors to open. "Would that be so bad?" Mitchel faces me, not letting go of my hand, even when people pass by us. I swallow hard and shake my head in response. "I guess not. I didn't know if you would be comfortable. You wanted it to be a secret when we arrived," I admit shyly. The elevator dings, signaling that the doors were about to open. 

"That was because of the paparazzi. Then I learned that this is a very private resort, so we don't have to worry about them. Also, I'm trying this new thing," The elevator doors open to reveal no one inside. "I don't want to be scared of what others think anymore. If someone who knows us sees us, okay. If someone doesn't, okay. I'm happy, and I don't wanna hide that." Mitchel explains as he presses the button that says "L", which we had to assume meant the lobby. I smile to myself as we remain holding hands. Although, I was slightly nervous. I didn't care if people knew Mitchel and I were here, acting all cuddly, but I was afraid of how people might treat us. I was fearful of all the hurtful things we would receive. It was tough to handle when I had been dating Elijah. I had to remind Elijah a few times that what people said about him or I didn't define us. I didn't think Mitchel understood how hateful some people could be. It was difficult for me to grasp at times. 

"Stop thinking so damn much. I promise things will be fine. Let's have fun." Mitchel places a kiss on my lips as the elevator doors open once again. I nod my head and follow Mitchel out. There were tons of people in the lobby who had just arrived. A few people gave us weird looks. At least it seemed like they were. Maybe I imagined it. I slip my hand out of Mitchel's and ignore his confused face. I gulp the second someone noticeably recognized us. They were two teenage girls who appeared to be on vacation with their families. I figured they were best friends or sisters. They wave at me, and I wave back before turning back to Mitchel, who was waiting in line to ask someone at the front desk a question. I casually lean my head against Mitchel's shoulder as we waited. I didn't want to be afraid either. He kisses my forehead endearingly. 

     "Mitchel?! Christian?!" We hear. The both of us turn around at the same time. I was startled that the two girls came up to us. "Hi," I smile at them. Mitchel says the same, and they happily ask for the four of us to take a picture together. We agree and take a quick selfie. They leave and tell their parents about what had just happened. "That wasn't so bad," Mitchel whispers into my ear. I shamelessly shrug and motion for Mitchel to ask the lady his question. 

"Come on," Mitchel and I walk hand in hand to the beach.  "Have you had a good time so far?" Mitchel wiggles his eyebrows, making me laugh at his stupidity. "I guess," I attempt to say seriously. "I mean, it's been whatever," I joke. Mitchel sighs and guides us further down the beach. We remain silent, enjoying each other's company. 

"Why are we walking so far away?" I whine as it feels like we have been walking for hours. Mitchel doesn't say anything. He suddenly seemed nervous. "Are you okay?" I ask, concerned. Again, I was met with silence. Mitchel stops walking. I stop as well. "Mitchel?"

"I'm gonna cover your eyes," He says. I frown and lick my dry lips. I had forgotten to put chapstick on before we had left. "Uh, why?" Mitchel steps forward. "Close your eyes," He demands. I squeeze my eyes shut. "You're kinda scaring me," I breathe out with a hint of fear in my voice. I wasn't the best with surprises. Mitchel carefully turns me around and places his hands on my eyes. "We're gonna walk a bit. I'll tell you when to open," 

"Um," I awkwardly laugh and allow Mitchel to guide me wherever we are going. I do my best not to stumble or panic. "Just a few more steps," Mitchel tells me. Then, we abruptly stop, and Mitchel removes his hands from my eyes. "You can open now."

     I slowly open my eyes and adjust my eyes to what was in front of me. "Mitchel," I say in awe as my eyes focus. I couldn't help but gawk at the sight in front of me. There were candles laid out on the sand in the shape of a heart. In the middle was a table with two dishes that were covered. Two glasses of wine and two chairs were next to one another. I turn to look at Mitchel, and he smiles widely. "Surprise," He says as he throws his arms in the air. Without hesitation, I hug Mitchel. He wraps his arms around me, the smell of his cologne making me feel safe. Every time we hugged I felt complete. We let go and walk to the middle of the heart to sit down. 

"How did you do all of this?" I ask as I look around at the beautiful arrangement. 

"I talked to the hotel before we came. I had to pull some strings, but they made it work. That's why I had to stop at the front desk real quick,"

"It's...It's beautiful, Mitty. I love it." I lean in for a kiss. Mitchel meeting me halfway.  "Anything for you." 

We begin to eat the spaghetti meal Mitchel had requested one of the chefs to make for us. Mitchel had to video call the chef's daughter before our visit for that to happen. The daughter had wanted to meet all of us, but Mitchel didn't want to tell me what he was planning, so he made a deal with the daughter that the whole band would video call her another time. Mitchel had said to me that she was adorable and helped him figure out the final touches of our date. He told me that we would love her.

     Mitchel and I finish eating at about the same time. "I have something I wanna tell you," Mitchel reaches into his pocket and takes out a folded-up piece of paper. He clears his throat as he opens the piece of paper. He takes a sip of his wine and starts to talk. 

"Christian," I look at him, confused. "Yes?" I ask. 

"There were so many different speeches I had written before I wrote this one. They were all way too long or way too dramatic. I decided it was best to be blunt with you," Mitchel stops for a second. Taking in a sharp breath. "For so long, I was afraid of loving you. I was afraid that my dad would never accept who I am no matter what I did. Unfortunately, I was right. That's not my fault nor yours. I'm sorry I blamed you for so long. You helped me realize who I am. Back then, I couldn't accept that liking guys was a part of who I am. I tried so hard to get over you. I did my best to ignore that I loved you," 

Mitchel wipes a tear that falls from his eye. I rest my hand on top of Mitchel's as he continues. 

"I figured that if I got with a lot of girls, then my feelings would go away. I thought I could convince myself that what was true was a lie. But, it wasn't. The closer we got and the older we became, my love for you only became stronger. I realized that I couldn't change how I felt when I was with Elijah and then Jordan. That's why I broke up with them. I should have told you sooner. I should have talked to you. I should have done so many things differently, and I am so sorry that I didn't. I'm so sorry I broke your heart. And, I'm so sorry I hurt you so many times."

I wiped the tears that were now falling from my eyes. He did love me. Deep down I knew that we loved each other, but the universe had tested us so many times that it was hard to remember that we did for so long. 

"With all of this being said, I want you to know I love you. I love you more than you will ever know. I love you with everything I am. I promise I will show you that I do every day. I hope I can do this if you accept my request to be your boyfriend once again?" 

I can't help but giggle. I nod my head and throw my arms around Mitchel so we can hug. "I love you," I tell Mitchel sincerely. 

This was my person. This was the person I wanted to spend forever and a day with. 

"I love you, my love."

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