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     I take a few breaths to ease the anxiety I was feeling. I look at myself for what seemed to be the fifth time in my full body length mirror. I fix my shirt collar and decide again whether I liked the second button buttoned or unbuttoned.

Again, I decide on unbuttoned. I spray a few sprits of cologne into the air before walking into it. I had seen Jordan do it so many times during her and Mitchel's relationship that somewhere along the line I picked up the habit. It wasn't too bad of a habit to obtain anyway. 

I grab my nice dress shoes and wear a pair of black socks to go with. I quickly put them on. I tie my shoes and take one last glance at myself. I nod in satisfaction with my outfit. Hopefully Mitchel would like it too. 

I scan my room as I realized how big of a mess I had made looking for a simple outfit.

I grab my wallet, keys, and phone as I make my way out of my room. Mitchel's door was still closed and thankfully so was Clinton's. It sounded like he was busy playing video games anyway.

I harshly lick my lips and walk down the stairs.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath. I turn around and walk back up. I hear Mitchel's bedroom door open. I didn't want him to see me so I run back into my room. Quietly closing the door behind me. I hear his foot steps go past my door and down the stairs.

I breathe a sigh of relief. In my head it seemed like it would have been embarrassing to run into each other. I grab my blazer I had left on my bed, throwing it on and putting my items I held in my hand in the pockets of it.

As I walk down the stairs again I see Mitchel standing in the living room, his back was facing me, and his head was down as he was looking at his phone.

"Hi," I say aloud as I approach him. He turns around and his eyes widen once they land on me. 

"What's wrong?" I question concerned. Mitchel shakes his head. Putting his phone in his pocket.

"Nothing, you look...really good." He breaths out, still looking at me with wide eyes. I can't help but feel a blush creep up on my face.

"You look good too." I wasn't too sure what to say since I was feeling weirdly shy. I wasn't particularly fond of Mitchel making me feel shy.

"I got us an Uber, we'll be dropped off at a restaurant but there's a pretty walking area for us to go around and a few shops to get dessert or something if you'd like." Mitchel tells me happily. Rocking back and forth on feet. A cheeky smile on his face as he waited for me to answer.

"That sounds perfect," I tell him. I found it sweet that even though I had thrown out the idea about going on a date Mitchel was the one who had planned it out. I had a feeling that he was trying to  prove to me he meant it when he said he had feelings for me. It was smart on his part since I didn't fully believe him anyhow. 

"I didn't know you owned hole-less jeans," I glance at Mitchel as we walk out the house. He glares at me. Lightly pushing his body into mine so I'd run into the wall. 

"I bought them for this date." Mitchel places his hands in his front pockets as he walks. 

 A blush finds its way to my cheeks. He really dressed up for our date. Nothing warmed my heart more than noticing the effort he had put into this. He never wore button up shirts unless he had to. Of course he didn't have to today which meant that he chose to out of his own free will. 

Our drive to the restaurant was only about 30 minutes. We hardly spoke as our driver drove. Both of our hands were rested in between us. Occasionally touching and our pinkies connecting with one another. Usually I wasn't the one to make the first move but for once I broke out of my comfort zone. I slowly allow my hand to slither into Mitchel's. He looks at me then at our hands. He properly grips my hand and looks back out the window. Leaving me with a jittery feeling inside. 

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