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     I cock my head back as I take a swig of beer, making an 'mmm' noise at Amber's question. 

"So I don't need to go kick his ass? He supports you?" I nod again for the fifth time. I wasn't sure why Amber was so concerned about Mitchel being supportive considering my past with him, but maybe she thought he somehow turned homophobic after his dad ripped him a new one when he caught us.

Luckily, my best friend was supportive and Amber didn't have to hire a hitman on Mitchel. Although, I was really hoping she was joking about that. But with her, I could hardly tell when she was joking and when she wasn't. 

"I promise if he had given me shit for being gay, then you would've been the first person I'd have called, so relax, Amber," I tell her gently, looking straight into her serious eyes. 

Amber looks at me for a few seconds before breaking eye contact and takes a swig of her beer herself. 

"What's gonna happen now?" I shrug. "Nothing? We had stated that we were strictly friends." I remind myself more than her. I had to tell myself this fact every single day I woke up. 

"How's that working out for you?" Amber replies sassily, flipping her hair for an added effect. I lower my eyes at her.

"I can't force him to want me. I rather stay friends," I force myself to say. "Anyway, what's up with you? How's working with my shitty ex-manager or whatever it is you're doing now." 

Amber rolls her eyes at me. Complying with the fact that I clearly changed the subject because I knew she was somewhat right. 

"Fine, I guess. I saw your ex-manager...Evan?" Amber questions to make sure she got the name right. I nod my head with annoyance displayed on my face the second I heard his name. She sets her beer down on her coffee table. 

"Sorry for you," I mumble. She shrugs. "I noticed he was with some guy who looked around your age. I overheard someone say it was his kid. I heard his name was Ethan or..." Amber pauses for a second. Staring at the wall in front of her until her eyes lit up. "Elijah! That's it." My friend exclaims. I looked him up and he's an upcoming artist. Probably as big as Chase Atlantic or close to it. 

"Elijah?" I question for confirmation. Amber nods, looking proud of herself. "Huh, cool, I guess? Did you hear his music or something? Was it good?"

"No, I didn't hear his music, nor would I want to. I didn't like him judging by the way he walked. Too fucking egotistical. It's obvious. I brought this up 'cause' apparently Evan's kid took y'all's place." I frown. "What do you mean by that?" 

"You guys being fired or whatever the fuck made no sense, right?" 

I shrug. It kind of did since we broke some rules but it wasn't necessarily fair that we weren't given a second chance. 

"I don't know. Maybe." I respond. 

"It didn't. The whole thing was on you and Mitchel. Not the whole fucking band. Besides, it's not like you or he didn't pay the price. Mitchel was brutally beaten up and you got an enormous amount of hate." I sarcastically laugh at this. 

"Yeah, if only Evan thought the way you did." I snap out of annoyance. "There's a lot more to it than just that as well." 

Amber's lips form into a straight line before she continues. 

"After you were let go, Elijah was given the spot y'all had along with every photoshoot, interview, etc that you were supposed to be on." Silence fills the air as she allows her words to sink in. 

If I didn't hate Evan before, I definitely do now. 

"So you're saying that we were unfairly let go because his kid wanted a place?" Amber throws her hands up in the air. "I don't know, man. It seems that way." I roll my eyes at this.

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