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     I breathe in the cold air. It was abnormal for LA to feel this chilly. The seasons were changing. Autumn finally arriving. I smile to myself. Looking around as the green leaves were becoming colourful.

I approached the park that I went to whenever I wanted to gather my thoughts. I notice a happy couple. They were holding hands and talking amongst themselves. I couldn't help but wish I had that.

I find an empty bench and sit down. Because I was often worried about what others thought of me, I did my best not to people watch too much. I didn't want the parents to think I was some pervert. So I glance around and stifle a laugh when I spot a kid trip over his own feet. Landing face first in the mulch. I was going to hell.

     "Fancy seeing you here." I bite down on the inside of my cheek. How did this girl find me? "Stalking me now?" I ask. Amber laughs. Sitting down next to me. "You wish."

"What are you doing here?" I ask. She taps me on the shoulder. She was forcing me to look at her. I look down at her attire. She was on a run.

"Didn't realize you lived near here," Amber states. I breathe in deeply. I was slightly annoyed by her presence. I came here to be by myself. "Seems like it." I retort.

"Looked like you were in deep thought. What's up?" I glance at her quickly. I was wondering if it was okay to confide in her. We had only met about four days ago. I didn't even know her last name. Maybe that was a good thing? Maybe not.

"You wouldn't understand," I reply instead.

"Try me then." She dares. I cross my arms. Sinking lower into the bench. She really couldn't take a hint.

"Why do you think I like Mitchel?" 

"Who?" Amber asks with disgust dripping in her voice. I scoff. She giggles in return.

"I'm kidding. I don't know. Just a feeling." I nod. Not knowing what else to say.

"How long have you two known each other?" I dig my nails into my arm. My mood dropped instantly. I never told anyone what had happened between Mitchel and I. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude..." She said quickly when she noticed my attitude shift.

"No, you didn't," I mumble. "I was fourteen. He was fifteen when we met." I bite down on the sore I created on the inside of my cheek.

"So you guys have been close for a while?" Amber asks, continuing to prod me with more questions.

"Wanna walk?" I suggest. "If you're gonna kill me, then do it right now, please."

"You're an idiot." I state, annoyed. Amber giggles again. Getting up and walking alongside me.

"There's nothing wrong with liking him." Amber's voice came out hesitant.

"I d-don't." I mentally curse myself for stuttering. "It's complicated," I add. I pull out the one cigarette I left in my pocket. I picked up Mitchel's lousy habit a few years ago.

     Amber shakes her head disapprovingly.

"Six minutes." Amber looks down at her watch. I light the cigarette. Inhaling deeply. She had some money. Her watch was an expensive Bvlgari watch. It was at least ten thousand dollars.

"Six minutes you just took off of your life." I look at her and then back at the cigarette.

"Yolo?" I question awkwardly. "I don't like you." She frowns, but it eventually replaces with a smile.

"You know how everyone goes through a phase where they kinda question their sexuality?" I begin. Amber shrugs and nods. "Mitchel went through that." I avert my eyes away from her. Staring ahead of me.

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