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     My bedroom door bursts open, jolting me awake from the pleasant slumber I was having. 

"What the fuck?" Mitchel questions more than states. I rolled my eyes and turned to my side, so I wasn't facing him. 

"What were you thinking!" He yells. 

"Can you not fucking yell? I just woke up." I mutter. I pull my comforter over my face and close my eyes. Stupidly hoping that would get Mitchel to leave me alone. 

It didn't.

"Why the fuck would you kiss my e...I mean, Elijah?!" I frown at this question. The fuck was he on about? I take a deep sigh and remove the comforter from my face. 

"What?" I ask, annoyed. I shiver from the cold air that hits my skin as I get up from my bed. 

"What I just said! You kissed Elijah!" Mitchel yells again. I wince at how loud he was being. But, unfortunately, it was too early, and I was coming down from a bad high to deal with Mitchel's childish outburst. 

I look over at Mitchel and can't help but feel sad when I notice how distraught he is.

Was he jealous? If he was, I first have to figure out what he meant by saying I had kissed Elijah. 

I wave him off and head towards my bathroom. I go to close the door, but Mitchel stops it with his hand. 

"Fuck me," I mutter in annoyance. I open the door and stand in the doorway with only my underwear on. I was feeling just a tad bit uncomfortable. 

"Why?" Mitchel's eyes read hurt and betrayal. He was acting as if I had cheated on him and broke his heart when he broke mine. I had the right to kiss whomever I wanted, but he was making me feel that I had committed the worst crime possible. 

Mitchel shoves his phone in my face. A picture of myself and Elijah plastered all over a Twitter hashtag. My eyes widen, and I snatch Mitchel's phone from him. 

We were the second trending hashtag on Twitter. 

#ChristianAndElijah was there for the entire world to see. My eyes fill with tears. I was okay with being openly gay to my family and friends, but not the whole world. Not this way. I especially didn't want all of our fans to find out like this. 

"W-where did this come from?" I stutter. 

"Elijah posted it!" Mitchel admits to me. 

I blink rapidly. The tears roll down my cheeks. 

"Are you two seeing each other?" 

I lick my lips harshly. Handing Mitchel his phone back. I feel something begin to drip from my nose, and I touch the substance in confusion. I look down at my hand and see blood. Mitchel's eyes widen, and he rushes to grab some toilet paper. 

He seemed to have calmed down a little bit. I assumed that was due to my reaction to discovering that my sexuality was now exposed to everybody and their brother. 

He hands me a wodge of toilet paper that I press against my nose. I point my chin towards the ceiling to hopefully stop the bleeding. 

"Why do you care if I'm with Elijah or not?" I question with sass in my voice. "For someone who has a girlfriend, I don't see why you give a fuck." 

"I care because Elijah fucked us over! He tricked us! He took what we earned because he was jealous! Did you...forget or some shit?"

I shrug at this. I did care. I hated that he fucked us over the way he did. But if it pissed Mitchel off this much, then I'd go with it. 

"Yeah, I know. But there's this thing called forgiveness and second chances."

"What!" Mitchel yells, appalled. I wince once again at him, raising his voice at me. 

"Then why can't you forgive me?" He asks stupidly. I threw the toilet paper away and grabbed some more, but the blood was gone for the most part. 

"You told all of our friends you lied to me and didn't love me, and then you admitted to millions of people that you had a girlfriend when you told me you loved me. So, you tell me, why didn't I forgive you?"

Mitchel sighs and puts his phone in the front pocket of his jeans. 

"Do you like Elijah?" Mitchel asks awkwardly. I roll my eyes. I lift myself and sit on the counter. 

"It was one kiss, Mitty. It doesn't mean I'm in love with the man." 

"But you could end up falling in love," I frown at Mitchel's comment. I could tell he was comparing himself to Elijah and now felt insecure. For someone who had a girlfriend, he seemed very interested in me after claiming he wasn't. 

How much more confusing could he and this entire situation get?

"Whatever. It was one kiss, and I-" I pause for a second. It probably wouldn't be the best decision to tell Mitchel I was high off my ass on cocaine on top of being with Elijah. 

"I was at a party. I was drunk. It meant nothing. We all know who I have a crush on, but who cares? I'll move on the same way he did." I smile and gesture for Mitchel to leave my bathroom to shower and move on with my complicated life. 

"Thanks for betraying all of us by kissing that asshole." Mitchel leaves, slamming my bedroom door as he walks out. 

These words hurt me. They were unnecessary and untrue. It was suddenly all my fault. It would've made more sense if Mitchel knew the truth and that I didn't mean to kiss Elijah but admitting I was struggling with addiction wasn't something else I felt the need to express nor add to our plate of issues. 

I was going through denial about my struggles, and subconsciously I was hoping they wouldn't get worse and destroy me in the process. I should get help but thinking it was easier said than done. 

I walk back into my room ad grab my phone. I still had just my underwear on, but I no longer cared since Mitchel had left. I sadly go through my Twitter and Instagram feeds. The picture of Elijah and I was everywhere I looked. I knew Clinton was going to be pissed as well. 

Reading through the comments put an even bigger damper on my day. 

So many comments were rude and hurtful, and I was surprised that some people had the guts to write what they did. Others were confused and could've sworn I was into girls or dating Mitchel. So many fans were arguing about how I couldn't have been with Mitchel if he had a girlfriend. Other people defended their position by saying I could've been in a polyamorous relationship.  

I would never do that, but an interesting thought. 

And other comments felt bad because someone else posting a picture of me kissing a guy felt unlike me. But, I was always open with our fans, and they were the first to know something important about me. 

I sigh to myself and shut my phone off. There was nothing I could do but work on moving forward and eventually addressing my sexuality at some point. 

My phone buzzes against my mattress, making it sound louder than it was. 

I glance at the screen, and it was a number I hadn't recognized, but it was a local one. I answer it with defeat. This had better be good. 

"Hello?" I greet, waiting for a response. 

"Hey! Is this Christian? It's Elijah."

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