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Once again, Mitchel and I had been ignoring one another. I was too angry to respond to another one of his love confessions. I could tell my friends expected me to rush into his arms and tell Mitchel I loved him as well, but I didn't. Part of me knew I should have, but I was too prideful. Mitchel had walked away from me and left for the rest of the day.

The only thing I had done was lay in bed as I thought about everything I had been told. Thankfully, Amber forgave me for yelling at her. She said she understood that I was angry and hurt, but if I ever raised my voice at her again, I would live to regret it forever. I knew better than to argue with her. Besides, my mum had raised me better than that.

I hadn't spoken to Elijah much since, but I knew I would have to soon. I wanted to break up with him so badly, but Amber suggested I not do so until Mitchel and I had a plan in action. Just in case. I hated to agree, but I did anyway.

I hear a knock on my door as I had wasted another day laying in bed, sulking. I needed to get up and do something, but I had no motivation. I was emotionally drained. I sigh and force myself to get up from my warm bed.

I glanced in the mirror and fixed my hair to where it looked halfway decent. It was going to be what it was, and I didn't care.

"Yes?" I ask in an annoyed tone as I open my door. I swallow hard when Elijah is the person standing behind the door. It was taking everything out of me not to scream at him to get the fuck out.

Elijah smiles widely at me. He was wearing a pair of washed-out jeans, paired with a white T-shirt tucked in nicely. He wore a simple pair of black converse on his feet. He looked nice.

"Hey babe," he says, knocking me out of my thoughts. I fake smile and greet him back, opening the door wider so he could come into my room.

"Why are you here? Are you alright?" I ask, although I didn't care whatsoever. I was bored of this conversation already. I sit back down on my bed. My upper half was exposed as I was only wearing plaid pajama pants.

"I'm fine, but are you?" Elijah asks with his face full of concern. I nod in response. "I'm not sure if I believe that," Elijah tells me honestly. "You seem off." I shrug and look down at my floor. I wish he would leave me alone, but he was my boyfriend, and I needed to give him something.

"Do you wanna go on a date?" Elijah suggests. Changing the subject. He looked hopeful I would say yes.

"I'm not sure, love. I'm not feeling up to it," I wasn't necessarily lying. I wanted to continue rotting in my room by myself. Elijah gently grabs ahold of my hand and looks at me with a pleading look. I roll my eyes at him. He was a bit adorable.

"You can't really say no; I already planned it out..." Elijah trails his sentence off and smiles at me, looking very proud of himself.

"Fine, but only because you're making me feel like I don't have a choice," I get up and look around my room for something to wear. Standing felt like too much work. I think I was beginning to feel depressed. With this thought entering my brain, I look over at my nightstand table as Elijah waits by looking at his phone. One line was all it took to take the edge off. To make my sadness go away. Even if it was for a moment.

"Babe, I know what you're thinking," Elijah says randomly. I looked at him, but he wasn't looking at me. "What do you mean?" I question, confused.

Elijah gets up and stands in front of me. "That's not going to solve anything," I frown at Elijah's words. "You know what I'm talking about. Drugs can make things feel okay for five seconds, but it always comes back."

Funny of him to say that when we both had addictions to something.

"H-how do you know?" I stupidly ask. Supposedly he didn't think I knew about what he had done, so why did he assume I did drugs?

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