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Photo shoot day. The longest days to ever exist on this planet. Some people I knew liked photo shoots, and by some people, I mean Mitchel. He could spend days having his picture taken and they'd all come out perfect.

Meanwhile, I never knew how to pose. I was always awkward no matter how hard I tried. Sometimes I'd study Mitchel's photos just to get better idea on how to pose and look more "natural" but when I'd try them in the mirror it only made me want to punch myself.

My insecurities were stupid and didn't make sense to others but they were my demons that I struggled to fight.

I seemed to have so many of those, but who didn't?

Thankfully Jordan wasn't our photographer for this shoot. She didn't know about my feelings for Mitchel but I had a feeling that things would've been awkward anyway. We were shooting for a clothing brand called The Chinatown Market which made pretty sick clothing.

It was our first time modeling for clothing other than having photo shoots for promo pics.

Clinton was going to drive us but he decided to get drunk last night which forced Mitchel or myself to call an Uber because neither of us wanted to drive either. Simply because we're just lazy.  After arguing about which one of us would call, I finally did.

We're driven to the location where there were tons of people. It was an open area with different coloured buildings and different areas to have pictures taken. I was mentally hoping we'd have our photo shoot inside since it was about 90 degrees outside and the warmer the weather...the more grumpy I became.

Ironic for someone who lived in California 365 days a year.

We all get out of the car and look around at the huge building we were standing in front of. It was made out of brick that was painted white with the logo The Chinatown Market in large letters written in yellow. This was a big step for us. Many popular creators had modeled for this brand so us doing it too gave us good publicity which we needed badly.

"Mitchel! Clinton! And of course, Christian! So nice to have you." A guy says as he walks closer to us. He sticks his hand out for each of us to shake.

"I'm Brian. I'm the one who reached out to you guys about doing this."

"Nice to meet you! It's a pleasure to be doing this." Mitchel replies with a smile. His hands awkwardly stuffed in his pants pockets.

"It's a pleasure to have you. Today we're shooting outside. You guys are gonna have pictures taken in many different outfits but we recently came out with a new line so that's definitely our main focus." He claps his hands together to signify that he was done talking.

I wanted to roll my eyes so badly. I was not in the mood to get all sweaty from being outside. I showered for nothing.

"Awesome! Sounds like a plan." Clinton says. I force a half smile to show that I seemed to be happy that I was here even though I wasn't. Not in this weather.

"There's a trailer over there which Taylor, one of your stylists, will walk you to and you'll get ready. See you back here in about 45 minutes! Sound good?" We all nod and wave bye.

"You okay? You seem annoyed?" Mitchel asks as we follow Taylor.

"I didn't wanna shoot outside. It's so hot out today." I admit to him. I cross my arms as we walk. Thankfully I wore a short sleeve and shorts today.

"I saw some people have little portable fans. Maybe we'll get some too." Mitchel nods and continues to walk beside me. He knew how to make me smile at any moment.

We approach the trailer and are rushed inside so we could get ready.

There was a rack of clothing, a shelf full of shoes, tons of jewelry neatly organized in a drawer, and three sitting areas for each of us.

The lights were bright and the trailer was crowded with items all over the place. I thought makeup artists were organized I silently judge in my head. I scrunch up my nose at the scent of perfumes and hair sprays. Thankfully there was air conditioning so it wasn't too bad and I quickly got used to it.

I sit down and wait patiently to have myself looking prettier than I normally did.

"Hi! I'm Rachel. I'm your stylist for today. Hair and makeup won't be long at all."

"I'm Christian. It's nice to meet you." I smile. Rachel was pretty. She had long red hair that swayed perfectly every time she moved. No idea how she made it look so silky. She was thin but not too thin. Very well dressed and beautifully made up. She must get paid well for the work that she does. But I was only thinking that by the makeup on her face.

If I wasn't gay I'd have totally asked her to get a drink some day. I glance up into the mirror. My peripheral vision catching Mitchel staring at me. I didn't want to embarrass myself so I didn't look at him directly but he must've noticed me checking Rachel out.


I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. My heart was set on him. I was only admiring Rachel's beauty but now he probably thinks I'm going to try and make a move.

I wanted to fix what seemed to be a massive fuck up but there was nothing I could do without being too flirty or giving myself away. Besides, we had no feelings for each other. At least that's what I confirmed.

I had to remind myself of that everyday.

Mitchel finally looks away. Paying no more attention to me whatsoever.

I hated it. He kept me close but not close enough to touch.

Rachel doesn't do much but put powder on my face and chapstick on my dry lips. Since Mitchel's "brand" was an edgy look his stylist had put eyeliner on his lower eye lids. His braids were fixed and a new outfit was handed to him. Clinton and I's outfits were also handed to us and we all proceeded to get dressed. I couldn't help but notice the way Rachel scanned my half naked body. All I was wearing were my boxers and socks.

For someone who seemed shy she sure wasn't acting it now. I look at her with a smirk. Biting my lip and not breaking eye contact with her as I put my T-Shirt on.

There was no way Mitchel wasn't noticing this interaction.

I was playing a dangerous game but making Mitchel jealous was attractive to me. It proved he felt something for me and the validation made me feel alive again. I knew this would have consequences but at this moment it was so worth it.

Once I was clothed Rachel goes back to business. Focusing on myself and helping out her coworkers if needed. It made me feel slightly upset that she only seemed interested in my body but I'm not sure why I really gave a fuck when I didn't swing for her team anyway. I roll my eyes to myself and sit back down.

I could be so dramatic.

Mitchel has his outfit adjusted to fit him better since his body is so small. My heart skips a beat when I get glance at him once his stylist moves out of the way. It was a black, white, and grey pant and jacket set but he didn't have a shirt on underneath his jacket. He left it unbuttoned showing the abs that he had been working on for a while now. Rachel rushes over to tie his shoes as Mitchel's stylist hands him different jewelry pieces to put on. They were simple chains but it added to the look making him look even more attractive. Last but not least he throws on a black baseball cap but backwards.

I was so envious at how confident he came across but he was quite the opposite when it was just us. "Fake it till you make it" I suppose but he faked it so well that it was annoying to me.

He gets up from his seat and stands tall. Looking in the mirror and staring back at his reflection. He was judging himself but did it to where it seemed he was just admiring his pretty looks.

I could read his fake act easily but I don't think he thought I did. Mitchel takes a deep breath. Shaking his hands loosely and walks out of  the trailer without a word to me.

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