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     I collapse onto my bed face first. I was worn out after practice and didn't even have the energy to get changed. I feel the weight of someone's body sit down next to me. I mentally roll my eyes as I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Who are you?" I mumble against the comforter on my bed. My words coming out muffled.

"Your mum," I smiled as I recognized the Australian accent. "I came to apologize about the other day. When you were with Amber."

I sit up. Looking into Mitchel's pretty eyes. They looked sad. In turn, this made me sad.

"No biggie," I lie. "Are you okay, though?" He nods. Not reassuring me that he was one bit. Something was bothering him and I could tell.

     "What's wrong?" He gets up from my bed. Walking towards the door but stops.

I feel my cheeks heat up as he turns around and we make eye contact.

"I'm gonna break up with Jordan today." I blink a few times before answering. They had been together for so long. A few times I had thought that he was going to propose.

"Your what?" I ask in disbelief. A look of surprise plastered on my face. I knew they were going through a rough patch but I figured they would get through it. They always did.

"Did I stutter?" I shake my head. Not knowing what else to say. He sits down next to me again. A heavy sigh escaping his lips.

"What are you gonna say?" He shrugs nonchalantly. "That I don't love her."  He was staring down at his shoes in shame. My eyes widen at this. I couldn't lie and say that I didn't feel a bit bad for Jordan. I knew she was absolutely smitten by him.

"I mean," He pauses for a second. "I do love her, but I'm not in love with her."

"I'm sorry, I know that must suck..." I was the worst at comforting others. The fuck was saying sorry going to do? It didn't make the pain go away. The word was way overused and the meaning behind it meant nothing. I also had no idea what it felt like to fall out of love with someone. I had never been in love. Well, until Mitchel that is. I didn't know I was in love with him until about a year ago, but I never admitted it aloud.

     My best friend shrugs. Lying down and resting his head on my lap. I look down at his sad face.

I gently tuck his unbraided hair behind his ear. Jordan always braided his hair. She explained to us many times how happy it made her.  She was the type of person who enjoyed doing things for others if it made them happy. It brought her some sort of satisfaction. I think it made her feel better when she felt that someone was proud of her. It was related to some unresolved daddy issues from when she was a child.

I guess Mitchel was too afraid to ask today.

I liked him without his hair braided, though. It wasn't too long but not too short either. It gave him a natural appearance.

     I rest my hand on his shoulder. Rubbing small circles with my thumb. I was hoping it would relax him a bit. We sit in a comfortable silence as I had no idea what to say and Mitchel didn't seem to want to say anything. I knew he didn't want to talk about whatever else was bothering him. There was more than him just not being "in love" with Jordan. I figured he'd tell me whenever he was ready.

I hear him sniffle to himself. I immediately look down at his handsome face. I notice a tear roll down his cheek. He didn't dare look at me though. I wipe it away with my thumb in a caring manner.

"I don't wanna hurt her," He whispers. "She deserves better than that." More tears fall from his eyes. I couldn't help but frown. He seemed so upset with himself. Why break up with someone if it's just hurting you more than being with them?

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