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     The world was suddenly so blurry. Everything felt far away and unreal. But, on the other hand, it was a good fucking feeling.

I blink a few times. Rubbing my eyes and grabbing onto whatever was closest to me. I stumbled into something hard. Whatever it was jabbed me incredibly hard on my hip. I wince at the pain it caused. Pressing pressure to the spot with my free hand.

My shirt was half unbuttoned, and the air smelled heavily of alcohol and smoke.

I adjust myself properly. Guiding my way through the room with my hand trailing the wall. The lights were dim in here for some reason. I could hear the music blaring somewhere throughout the house I was in. A popular rap song is playing.

     My head felt like it was going to explode any minute. I open the door to the bedroom. Immediately being greeted by the presence of people I didn't know. They all looked at me, or not, but it felt like I was being stared at by every person I walked by.

I run my hands through my hair. I was figuring that my friends were around here somewhere nearby. As I gained more awareness of my body and surroundings, I noticed my nose burning like crazy. I lightly touch it with my index finger. What the fuck had I done to make it feel this way?

A quick flashback hits me.

I throw my head back as I breathe in the substance coursing through my body.

I found some stairs that led down to the bottom half of the house. I gulp. Hoping I'd make it down without falling and breaking my neck. I grab ahold of the handrail. Slowly making my way down the stairs and passed people who crowded them. Some people grunted at me when I pushed them out of the way for not moving, but I didn't have the energy to care.

My feet touch the floor.

Well, I thought they had.

     I stumble forward and fall. My ankle now in an enormous amount of pain. I must have skipped a step without knowing it.

"Fuck," I hiss under my breath. Sitting up and holding onto my ankle. Tears brim my eyes as it begins to throb.

I look around me. Everyone seemed so tall from down here. There were all different colours of lights in this portion of the house. It was like I was inside of a rainbow.

"Holy shit! There you are!" I hear. I couldn't make out where the voice was coming from no matter how hard I tried.

"Why are you-what happened? What the hell?!" The voice was closer now. Suddenly a figure is beside me. It is a bit too out of focus for my liking. The person helps me get up from the floor. I stumble again. Falling into whoever the person was. I was caught before the both of us were on the floor again.

"Shhh, it's okay." They say. I tried to walk but couldn't due to my ankle. My body lifts from the ground, and I'm finding my way through a crowd of people. The music was getting louder as we made our way through. I watch as the world flies by me in seconds. My head continued to pound, but it felt oddly nice.

"Okay, you're gonna sit." The person warns me. I'm gently placed on a bar stool. I giggle to myself as I realize who was talking to me.

"Mitty!" I yell. I throw my hands up to get a hug, but one isn't given. I frown and put my arms down. I receive a few nasty looks but disregard them blatantly. Mitchel sighs. Bending down a bit to look into my eyes.

"Fuck," he mumbles. I giggle like a little girl seeing her crush for the first time. "I like when you say that," I reply seductively.

"Fuck!" I repeat back to him. He forced a smile away so I wouldn't notice, but I did.

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