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     I adjust my mic as it was a little too far away from my mouth. The band hadn't done an interview in what felt like forever. Clinton declined a majority of them as all of us were still recovering from the Elijah situation. 

We were all nervous, but I was the only one who was playing it cool. Christian had taken a few sips of beer before we left the house so he wouldn't panic. Unfortunately, I don't think it worked as he kept bobbing his knee up and down.

     Today, we were on the Zach Sang Show. The band had discussed wanting to be a guest appearance a few years ago but never imagined it happening. However, Christian had received a call from Zach personally and said yes before talking to Clinton and I. We didn't care, though. All three of us were more than happy to move around our schedule for Zach.

I was sitting in the middle of the leather green couch. Christian was on my left and Clinton was on my right.  it was crazy to think that so many other huge celebrities sat here before us. And now we had been here too. I take a sip of water as I wait for Zach to tells us to introduce ourselves to the camera. He gives us a countdown, starting from three and going down.

I smile and face the camera. "Hey, I'm Mitchel!"

"I'm Christian," My boyfriend smiles and waves at the camera.

"And I'm Clinton," My brother says last.

"And we are Chase Atlantic!" The three of us say in unison. Zach smiles and greets us again.

"It is so nice to have you guys here. I've been looking forward to this interview since I called Christian!" Zach tells us sweetly.

"Believe me; we've been looking forward to it as well! Thanks so much."

"Absolutely! Pleasure is all mine. So, I've done my research...and there's so much I want to cover, but first, I want to talk about the new album that you guys are releasing in two weeks. Can you give me any further information about the album?"

I nod and contemplate what would be appropriate for us to talk about without giving too much information away. "Well, the album is called Phases. It has a lot of songs, but they all have a different vibe to them, ya know? We have some sad songs, comforting songs, and party-type songs as well," I reveal. "These past few months have been difficult on all of us, so this album is a lot more personal than some might think." I tell Zach honestly. I could see Christian nodding in agreement out of the corner of my eye.

"Yeah, I mean this is our second? studio album that we're releasing after our self-titled album, and at first I think we were going for, um a different vibe, but as Mitchel said earlier, we've all gone through a lot, so this album became more heartfelt." Christian chimes in.

"I totally get that, and I think it's great that you guys are putting more personal songs out there." Zach adjusts his earphones as he begins to ask us another question.

"Like I said, I did my research and saw many different headlines, but I don't believe everything I read on the internet, so what's the real story? I mean, is it true that your prior management mistreated you guys?" I swallow hard. I had been so scared to talk about this topic in the past as I had been afraid it would come and bite me in the ass, but now I felt untouchable. I felt safe and that no one around me would get hurt if I were honest, even if I revealed only a hint of what had happened.

"It is, unfortunately. It's not my place to spill everyone else's secrets, but there was some tension between other artists and us. So many people wanted our position and jealously overcame what was right and wrong." I admit truthfully. It felt good to say that. Part of me wanted to reveal that Elijah was behind all of this, but I knew better with him being my boyfriend and I's ex. Christian and I cared for Elijah. It seemed that he was doing his best to move forward, and we didn't want to ruin his progress. But we all knew he deserved to be exposed. He was just lucky none of us were that evil.

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