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Two years later.

Life had never been so wonderful for the past two years. Christian and I were engaged. He's twenty-six while I'm now twenty-seven. We had moved out of our house that we shared with Clinton as Jesse moved from Australia to Los Angeles and decided to move in with my brother. So Christian and I figured that it was time to get our place and begin a new chapter in our lives as an engaged couple. We were set to get married in another three months.

Amber has a boyfriend. His name's Jared. He's thin, brown curly hair, stylish, and oddly enough, a doctor. At first, I didn't like him because he was seven years older than Amber, but I played Minecraft with him one day, and we became instant friends. Christian also warmed up to Jared once we all went out and got to know each other more. Amber was glad that the two of us had made an effort to get to know Jared better and become friends with him. After that, the four of us were inseparable. And I am happy to announce that Jared will propose to Amber next week when it's their one-year anniversary.

Elijah started dating Tanner. Christian and I were shocked when we read it in an article that popped up on E! News. At first, I was confused about how they were compatible, but it all made sense with different pictures Elijah would post of them. Elijah was all about partying, living lavishly, and expanding his career as a singer and now an actor. Tanner enjoyed that atmosphere as well, but rarely. He was calm, hard-working, and even went back to school to get his master's degree. He was working to be a lawyer. They evened each other out. Elijah had revealed on The Ellen Show that he went to rehab to curtail his drinking problems. Christian and I were happy for him and sent him a gift basket to tell him so.

As for Christian, he went to rehab and narcotics anonymous to help himself with his drug addiction. He revealed to me that Elijah had him promise he'd help himself, and I was proud of Christian for doing so. It was difficult for Christian, but it became more manageable as the months went on. His mom and mine helped us organize our wedding. We had no idea where to start or what we wanted, but with the two remarkable women we called "mum," everything was as easy as pie. All we had left was to get our food arrangements set, get our suits, have our bachelor parties, and rehearsal dinner.

And as for myself and Clinton, we were still a pain in each other's asses, but we are closer than ever. My dad found out about Christian and me when we announced we had gotten engaged. He did his best to ignore social media to avoid news about me. Unfortunately for him, Chase Atlantic had gotten bigger in Aussie, and the news at his local bar revealed our engagement. My mom never told my dad when we started dating as they were divorced, and she felt that my dad knowing would do us no good, and she was right. My dad called Taylor (my other brother), Clinton, and me multiple times. Most of his voicemails were nasty and hurtful, but we did our best to ignore them. Nine times out of ten, I would delete his voicemails and keep moving forward. I spoke with him once when he called to tell me he wouldn't come to my wedding. Christian forced me to send him an invitation to be the "bigger person," and if my dad declined, then he would be the asshole, and not me. I suppose Christian was right.

None of it mattered though. I was happy and so was he. That's what mattered.

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