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I sigh to myself.

"Where are you from?" Rachel suddenly asks. I look up at her from my sitting position. Her cleavage staring right back at me. I was positive she did that on purpose.

"Uh, Australia. Sydney to be exact." I answer.

"Oh, couldn't tell if the accent was Australian or British." I purse my lips at this. I often got this comment which made no sense to me. The accents were completely different. I thought that was obvious, but to Americans it didn't seem that way.

"Australian." I reply dryly. It was fun fucking around with her when Mitchel was in the room but I was bored the minute he left. "Are we done here?" I ask with sass in my voice. I was tired of making small talk with someone who I stupidly led on.

"We have some time..." Rachel says seductively. Her finger running down my arm and heading for the hem of my pants. I swallow hard. Not because I was turned on but because I was becoming uncomfortable. Part of me knew that this was going to happen since that was the single I had sent but it didn't stop me from feeling unhappy.

I chuckle nervously. Gently grabbing ahold of her hand and moving it away from my body.

"Sorry...I just wanna go..." I admit shyly. I go to get up but Rachel blocks me from me doing so. I didn't want to create an issue with her but I wasn't sure how to get her to back off.

"Listen, I think you're really pretty but-"

"Then what's the problem?" Rachel asks interrupting me mid sentence. "You didn't seem to have one when your friend was in here." She bends down so she's eye level with me in my sitting position. Her hands find their way to my belt and begin to unbuckle it.

"Please...I'm really not interested." I try again. Before I could push her away the door swings open. I jump up causing Rachel to fall back onto her ass. I don't apologize and buckle my belt as I rush out the door. Thankfully I had already put my phone back in my pocket so I didn't have to go back in and face Rachel alone.

"Fucking our stylist?" I hear behind me. I ignore Mitchel's question. I wasn't in the mood for his stupid accusations.

"Are you okay?" He tries again. Mitchel catches up to me. Grabbing my shoulder and forcing me to turn around.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" There was concern written all over his face. It was sweet actually.

"She was trying to give me head but I didn't want her to. I pushed her away once but then she tried again but I didn't want to cause a problem or have her lash out so I didn't try again."

"What!? Did she force you!? Are you okay!?" He asks quickly. Embracing me into a hug without hesitation.

"She didn't. You came in before she could." I hug him back. My heart beating faster as our bodies came in contact with one another.

"It's really no problem. I'm perfectly fine. I was kinda flirting with her anyway but I'm not interested." Mitchel's embrace loosens. Backing up slightly so he could look me in the eyes. "I saw..." he trails off.

"Why didn't you want to? She's really pretty." I wave his question off. "Not the right time. We're at a photo shoot." I claim. It was partially the truth.

"Hasn't stopped you from doing a quickie before." He giggles. He was searching for the actual reason because he knew me well enough to know when I was fully telling the truth and when I was bullshitting.

"I'm gay." I mumble. "That's the truth. I didn't wanna hook up with her or any woman because I'm gay." Mitchel blinks a few times. Opening and closing his mouth but not saying anything. "We gotta go...so let's just move on." I walk away from Mitchel. Walking towards Clinton and everyone else around him. I wasn't sure what Mitchel was thinking or feeling. I thought he'd be happy I came out to him but his reaction said otherwise.

"You guys alright? You were standing there hugging and shit for like 5 minutes." Clinton questions. Giving me a weird look as I stand next to him with my arms crossed. I shrug. Clinton was warming up to me more and more as the days passed.

"Mitchel and Christian are going to shoot together first," Brian reads from his clipboard. "Head over to the spot that says "no parking" and a photographer will be there shortly." Brian says to me. I don't say anything and do as told. A few seconds later Mitchel shows up too.

"You're really gay?" He asks as he approaches me with a cigarette in his mouth. "No, I said that because I thought it would be really funny to say." I reply curtly. I look away from him and roll my eyes. I felt annoyed that he didn't seem supporitive. Mitchel frowns. Sitting down next to me.

"Why have you never told me?" I sigh at this. Being my best friend and my ex lover I should've told him but was afraid to deep down. "You were having fun trying to set me up with people. I gave it shot for your sake."

"Okay, but if going on dates with a woman made you uncomfortable then you should've told me." He shakes his head in a disapproving manner. It seemed that he was more upset with the fact that he didn't figure out himself that I was into men.

"I wasn't uncomfortable. I'd admit I was gay in the beginning and some would stay to eat dinner and talk. Others would would leave which didn't bother me because I didn't wanna waste their time. No body was rude." I answer honestly. Mitchel hands me the cigarette to allow me to take a drag. I contemplate it for a moment but do it anyway.

"Thanks for telling me. I'm happy for you." Mitchel pats me knee. Giving me a sincere smile. We stare at each other for a moment before I break eye contact. My mood lightens as my best friends support is felt within the atmosphere around us. 

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