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     Should I confront Mitchel? Maybe Elijah? No, neither of those options felt right. Part of my brain told me that I needed more information before saying anything.

What if the pictures I saw were photoshopped? What if Elijah was obsessed with Mitchel? No, those theories didn't seem right either.

I sit down at my desk, staring at my laptop. My screensaver was a picture of the band. We looked so happy to be on tour after such a long break. We would've been on tour right now if it hadn't been for that fight over me doing drugs.

I hated myself for not being able to remember what had happened exactly. It was all such a blur.

I bite my bottom lip nervously and click on my Google Chrome app. I type in the letter Y, Youtube being the first suggestion to pop up. I click on it and type in the keywords, "Mitchel Cave fight," the video popping up immediately.

     I hover my finger over the video, afraid to click it. Subconsciously, it was bugging me that I could never remember who Mitchel had fought with. No one had told me either.

I had briefly watched a video Amber had sent me when I visited Mitchel in the hospital, but even then, everything had still been fuzzy since it had been less than 24 hours that the incident had occurred. 

     I close my eyes and click the video. An ad appears first. It was about McDonald's new burger they were selling. It looked tasty, but then again, their ads always looked better than their actual food.

I decided not to click the "skip video" button as the ad was only thirty seconds long, and I wanted to put off watching the video as much as possible. I had a bad feeling for some reason.

The ad ends, and the video begins to play. I noticed Mitchel first and couldn't see the face of the other person just yet. The camera was mainly focused on Mitchel.

"He gave me cocaine!"  I hear myself yell at Mitchel. I wasn't in view of the camera, but I could tell it was me.

"Shut the fuck up."  Someone else says in return. I frown. Why was someone upset with me? The voice didn't sound familiar either.

"Motherfucker," I watch as Mitchel moves out of view and steps towards someone else. The camera pans to me and my emotional ass.

"Yeah, yeah, go talk to someone who gives a fuck!"  I hear that same voice again.

"Oh, come on, just pan the camera over to the other guy," I say aloud as if my computer could understand me.

"Like that bitch? Fuck with him again, and I swear to god you're dead."  Mitchel says to the person he was fighting with. My eyes widen. Mitchel was genuinely angry. The guy Mitchel had pinned down pulls a fast one and does the same back to Mitchel.

I flinch at the pain Mitchel must have felt.

"Like that bitch?" The person repeats back to Mitchel. Finally, I can see the person Mitchel had fought with. I press the spacebar to pause the video in the right spot.

My jaw drops. It couldn't be. I had to be out of my fucking mind right now.

No, no, and no.

I aggressively shut my laptop and jumped up from my seat. I begin to pace around my room.

I had...met Elijah already? He had gotten in the fight with Mitchel. He...knew Mitchel?

I shake my head in denial. I walk back to my computer and open it again. The paused image of Elijah is still on my screen. I rewind the video and listen closely. Hearing it back, the voice did sound familiar.

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