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     I stretched as I slowly opened my eyes to the bright sun peeking through the curtains. The room still had a bit of darkness to it but was fading quickly. I go to put my arms down when I hit something hard.

"Ow," Mitchel whines. I look next to me and see my arm has landed on Mitchel's face. I yank it away and whisper sorry. I forgot where I was and who I was with for a moment. He reaches up to his eye and rubs it carefully.  "Your bracelet hit my eye," He complains. Opening the eye, I hadn't hit to glare at me. I give him an apologetic look.

"Hard to say mad at you when you give me that cute face," I roll my eyes and go to get up. Mitchel grabs me by my waist and pulls me into his arms before I'm out of the bed we were sharing. I couldn't help but giggle since I had always been ticklish on my side. "I love your smile," Mitchel says to me in his morning voice. I adjust myself properly in the bed and face Mitchel.

"I like yours too," I admit. Mitchel always had a bright smile. He never needed braces, unlike me. His straight, bright teeth gave him an even more beautiful appearance when he smiled. It lit up my world.

     Mitchel brings his hand to my face and caresses my cheek gently. His touch felt like tiny fireworks against my skin. It made my body tingle, and every nerve became alert. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of Mitchel's skin against mine. It didn't matter that it was only his hand. I loved it. Every bit of me couldn't help but want more. I was mesmerized.

"Can I kiss you?" Mitchel whispers into the silent room. My eyes remain closed. I nod and feel Mitchel scoot closer to me. I wanted to open my eyes, but it was as if my body wouldn't let me. Internally I was freaking out. I couldn't figure out why. Mitchel and I had kissed so many times. We had done more than that. So why did it feel like I was about to explode?

I force myself to open my eyes and notice Mitchel give me a shy smile. I can't help but do the same back. Mitchel wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his chest. Our bodies touch entirely. Neither of us wearing shirts made this moment feel a lot more intimate than it was probably meant to. I close my eyes again and feel Mitchel's lips softly graze against mine. He was teasing me. They were touching but not in the way I wanted.

I decide to be bold and press my lips fully against Mitchel's. He smiles against my lips. This. This was all I had wanted since we broke up all those years ago. It felt as if we could be who we are without a care in the world. We could be happy together.

     Mitchel disconnects our lips and moves down to my neck. I let out an "mmm" sound when I felt Mitchel's tongue swirl against my skin and him suck the skin so it would leave a mark. He goes further down my chest without warning. I felt extremely nervous, which I didn't particularly appreciate because Mitchel seemed perfectly calm. He reaches the waistband of my pants but stops abruptly. My eyes dart open, and I look down. Mitchel smirks and moves back up, so he's hovering over me.

I couldn't help but grip the sheets in my hands out of annoyance. "Why do you hate me?" I ask with a slight attitude in my voice. I wasn't "angry," but the thought of intimacy with Mitchel ignited a fire inside of me. It was a wonderful way to feel close to someone. It was different than kissing or hugging. There was also a vast difference between a quick fuck and "making love" with someone. I hated the term "making love," as it sounded way too cheesy but not when it came to Mitchel.

     Mitchel giggles and presses his lips back on mine. "I don't hate you," He reminds me as he pulls away. His cold hand reaches back down to the waistband of my pants again, and Mitchel distracts me by kissing me. Mitchel pauses again and looks at me with a serious face.

"Are you sure? I said I wouldn't do this with you until we were together. I don't want you to think this is all I want."

"I'm okay with it if you are," It felt weird for me to say that, but in my heart, I was okay with anything. I felt safe. It felt...normal? "I don't think that, by the way." I tell Mitchel just as serious.

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