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     The sun was bright this morning. Someone's arms were around me, but I had no idea whose they were. I snuggle closer once I'm comforted by the idea that it was Mitchel. He was the only person I ever really cuddled with.

"What are you doing?" Someone asks groggily. I frown and look at the face of the person who was holding me.

I grimace and back away. "Why are you in my bed, Jesse?" He yawns. Sitting up as he rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands. Jesse and I were close, but not this close.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks instead. I shrug. Rolling my eyes at the fact that he ignored my question. The world was feeling a bit too dizzy, so I didn't even try to ask again.

"I'm fine. But it's too bright in here. Mind closing the curtains?" He nods. Getting up and closed them so I could open my eyes properly.

"You remember last night?" I lay back in bed as my head was pounding at the same time. I feel the weight of his body weigh down the other side of my bed a bit.

"I don't know how else to say this..." He begins cautiously.

"Mitchel's in the hospital." Jesse spits out. I don't move nor say a word. The night was a bit out of place, but short flashbacks interrupted my thinking process every few minutes. None of them made sense, though.

"Why? What did he do now?" I ask. Some annoyance in my voice because we were always the ones to fix the shit that he messed up. I assumed he got drunk and fell from somewhere or was being his stupid reckless self. It would not be the first time he ended up in the hospital over some stupid thing he did.

"He got in a bad fight. He was almost arrested and put in jail for a long time." I frown at this. He had only gotten arrested once for driving while high, but he was too good of a kid to put himself in a situation where he'd get put away for long.

"I can explain in the car. Visiting hours begin at nine, and it's eight right now. So I'm gonna assume you wanna see him...?"

I shrug. The idea of my best friend being in the hospital not entirely settling its way into my head just yet. Jesse pats me on the shoulder before leaving me alone in my room. I look around absentmindedly.

"I gotta clean this shit up," I mutter to myself as I stare at the clothes and paper thrown everywhere around my room.

My phone buzzes somewhere around me. I look around. I was throwing my blankets around out of frustration. I look under my bed only to see my phone light up just in time for me to spot it.

A majority of my notifications were from Evan. There were so many missed calls and unread texts that I didn't bother reading. I quickly call him back as I get up to get ready.

"Hey, I'm sorry I've missed-"

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" Evan's voice booms through the phone. I frown as I zip up the zipper on my jeans.

"What are you talking about?" I question.

"Oh! I don't know, Christian! Take a look around you." He yells. I flinch at his anger towards me.

"I'm looking around me and all I see is my dirty room?" I attempt to laugh at my stupid joke, but Evan shuts me down. This was a lot more serious than I seemed to be grasping.

"What did I do...?" I ask—Evan groans from the other side of the phone.

"I told you all to stay out of trouble!" Evan yells. "Couldn't do that, huh?" Before I could answer, Evan hangs up the phone on me. I wanted to be upset that he yelled at me, but I knew he wouldn't without sound reasoning.

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