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     I guess I was an addict now. 

I snort another line off the table that I had no idea who it belonged to. I had no idea where I even was anymore. My eyes were burning, and my head was pounding, but nothing was stopping me. The few minutes of euphoria were worth the effects I'd feel later. 

I ignored the burning sensation my nose was feeling and get up to grab another random alcoholic beverage. But, instead, I stumble and run into the wall. 

"Oops, sorry," I giggle. I squint and realize I was apologizing to a wall. This realization makes me laugh even more. I look around me and see tons of people sprawled out on the floor.

Was there a mass murder, and I'm dead ass standing in the middle of it? Or was I hallucinating? Had I taken cocaine, or was I completely out of my fucking mind?

I rub my eyes and open them again. People were still sprawled out on the floor. Everyone was dressed very nicely except me. If this was such a fancy party, then why was everyone passed out? 

"You good man?" someone asks me. I turn around and smile awkwardly. 

"Uh, yeah, I'm good, but I don't know about everyone here," I reply, suggesting to all the people around us. 

"They're fine. They had their trips and fell asleep." I nod. I went to turn back around but was stopped. 

"Who are you? I haven't seen you around here before." 

"I'm Christian. My first," I lean against the wall to support myself. I didn't want to end up on the floor either. The guy lets out a light laugh as he noticed my difficulty standing. 

"Maybe you should sit down?" He suggests. I shake my head no and remain where I am. 

"Who are you?" I ask back. 

"Lucas," He says. "I'm friends with this guy Tanner," My eyes widen at the name.

"Tanner? Is uh," I look around the house. It didn't look familiar. Maybe Tanner had moved from the last time I saw him. Or perhaps I was so out of it that I didn't recognize the house. 

"Is this his house?" I ask hesitantly. Lucas nods. I make an "oh" face at this. 

"Are you friends with Tanner or someone else here?" Lucas asks. I force myself not to roll my eyes. Why was this guy asking so many damn questions? 

"Tanner and I are more acquaintances now, I guess. I'm not entirely sure how I got here..." I tell Lucas as I trail off my sentence. 

"If you don't know anyone else here, then I guess Tanner drove you. I think he's in his room or something. Do you want me to take you to him to see if he can bring you home?" 

Home. The last place I wanted to be. 

"Sure," I didn't mean to agree, but my thoughts were all jumbled up, and I was saying whatever came to my mind, regardless if it was what I meant or not. 

Lucas leads me past everyone around us. We passed the living room where I had been originally. There were still a few people who were up and making a mess of things. Lucas guides me up a flight of stairs which I almost fell backward down about five times. 

Lucas seemed sober, which was a bit strange since no one around us, including myself, was sober. 

We reach a closed wooden door. No response. Lucas knocks again. 

"Open up, bro, it's me. Need your help." 

I begin to feel uncomfortable and more tired. 

"Maybe I'll just call an uber or something; he's probably busy." I was about to go back downstairs, but the door opens, causing me to stop. I blink a few times as my vision became blurry. The two people standing in front of me were all fuzzy and out of sorts. 

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