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      "Thanks for letting me invade your space," I joke with Amber. A smile spreads across her lips. Her shiny white teeth showing.

"Don't mention it. You're always welcome. I hope I wasn't too annoying." She smirks.

"Oh no..." I shake my head in disgust. "You were way past annoying. I don't know how I dealt with it for more than a day." I tell her dramatically. Amber lowers her eyes at me. Sticking out her tongue in a childish manner. But a smile erupts appears on both of our faces.

"Remember how close you and Mitchel are." She begins. "I would find it really weird if y'all stopped being friends so easily." Amber says, giving me a hopeful look.

I nod my head in agreement. Taking in a deep breath as I prepare myself to drive back home after being away for four days. I had received a few messages but nothing crazy. The guys must have thought that it was best to leave me alone even though I had so much fault in this entire mess.

"Thanks again. You helped a lot." I give Amber a hug. She was hesitant to hug back but soon enough melted in the hug when I didn't let her go right away. I didn't know much about Amber but I could tell she had a dark past that she was doing her best to recover from. I hoped that maybe one day she'd feel comfortable enough to tell me more about herself. But, I was grateful for all the conversations we've had, and the advice she gave me even though I sucked at listening, and would probably continue with my petty behaviours.

"You're welcome. Let me know next time though. This place looks like a bomb exploded." I chuckle at her statement.

"Of course. I'll text you when I'm home." She nods. Opening the front door to her apartment for me. I wave goodbye and head to my car. I hadn't brought a jacket when I left home which made me shiver when the wind blew by. The air was crisp and cool. Leaves fell all around me as Autumn progressed.

      My mind trails off to the first time Mitchel and I had ever kissed. I feel my stomach fill with butterflies as the memory moves to the center of my thoughts. I hadn't thought about it in so long that it made me feel all jittery inside.

I was fifteen and he was sixteen. I had invited Mitchel over to spend the night since we hadn't hung out much because of school. He had come over around six pm which we had decided would be a good time for the both of us.

I could remember the way my heart thumped when I opened the door and his precious smile greeted me. He had worn black jeans with a white t-shirt. A black book bag slung across one shoulder. His bad-boy vibe radiated off of him.

We had eaten the dinner my mum gave us and played video games for a few hours in my room.

     I open my car door. Sitting down in the driver's seat and starting the car sadly. I back out of the driveway as I continue to think about the memory I had shared with Mitchel.

     "Wanna light up?" Mitchel asks me. His little smirk had me answer without thinking. I automatically nod. He smiles and pulls out a blunt.

"Damn, I forgot my lighter. You got one?"

"Yeah, hold on." I get up and mess up my desk drawer looking for the small yellow lighter I knew I had. I hand it to Mitchel and watch as he lights up the blunt with ease. He begins to cough after taking the first hit.

"Haven't done this in a minute." He says in between coughs. I laugh at him. Sitting back down and taking the blunt from him. Breathing in a few puffs myself.

     I smile at our stupidity. We were so inexperienced and immature. But I knew that at that time I thought we were the coolest. We were inseparable. Us not being together was a very rare sighting. Especially at that point in our lives.

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