Chapter Five: Summer Plans

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"We're sorry Marinette," Mylène sniffled as Marinette walked into the classroom.

"It was wrong of us to assume things," Alix admitted, "honestly it seems more like something Chloé would write," she added pointing to the blonde.

"Hey!" Chloé snapped as she crossed her arms against her chest.

"It wasn't her," Marinette said defending her, "the person behind this is very smart, and obviously wanted to trick us all..."

"Who do you think it was?" Alya probed

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Marinette muttered as she sat down in her seat.

"Does that mean you forgive us?" Rose asked with a hopeful look on her face.

"Well..." Marinette began, "it did hurt that you automatically blamed me for it but I guess in this kind of circumstance it's easy to come up with false assumptions. So yes I do forgive you all, but I hope you girls realize what kind of person I really am before jumping to conclusions next time."

Adrien listened as he watched Marinette confidently walk into the room and stand up for herself and Chloé. He smiled as she graciously forgave her friends "Was she always this amazing?" he sighed aloud to himself?

"Who are you talking about dude?" Nino asked with a huge smirk and knowing look on his face

Shoot did I say that out loud? "Uh, I mean... isn't it an amazing day today?" Adrien laughed dryly trying to recover from his mistake

"If you mean having half the school akumatized, sure?" Nino frowned clearly confused.

"Well... It's amazing that Ladybug and Chat Noir once again saved the day!" Adrien replied trying again.

"Right..." Nino nodded slinging his arm over Adrien's shoulder clearly unconvinced "I think you were talking about a little miss who sits right behind you" he whispered causing Adrien to blush

"Ah! Class is about to start!" Adrien blurted out pointing towards Mrs. Bustier as she walked through the door

"Good morning to you too Adrien," Mrs. Bustier beamed with a gentle smile on her face, " I knew you liked school but didn't know you would be so enthusiastic for class today," She joked as the class erupted in laughter

Alya and Nino shared a knowing look; their best friends were perfect for each other, why couldn't they realize it?

After School

After school, Marinette went home to continue working on her design project she accepted the night before. Much to her surprise she had finalized the design and was ready to start sewing.

"Wow Marinette," Tikki cooed, "you're amazing, I can't believe you're almost done with the design!"

"You flatter me," Marinette blushed, "graduation is just a few weeks away for the twelfth grade so I must get this done quickly!"

Tikki nodded as she flew over to grab some thread, and the two continued to work into the evening


Adrien collapsed on his bed as soon as he got into his room and watched as Plagg flew back and forth across the room

"What are you doing Plagg? He groaned

"Trying to get your attention," Plagg stated matter of factly, "I guess it worked!"

"What do you want now?" Adrien grumbled, "Let me guess, more stinky cheese?"

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