Chapter Thirty: This is Not the End

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"You're welcome to stay with us," Sabine offered, "in fact, we'd be delighted if you stayed."

"But no funny business with my daughter," Tom warned staring the blonde model down

"Papa," Marinette groaned, "you know we're not like that..."

"Not yet," Tom winked causing the two teenagers to blush, "I'm not ready to be a grandpa yet..."

"It's alright, I don't want to intrude," Adrien shrugged, "besides Chloé offered to let me stay at the hotel."

"It's no bother," Tom insisted, "but we understand if you need your own space."

"It would be nice to be with people when you're going through a hard time," Sabine nodded in agreement, as she put her arm around her husband's shoulders

"But you're always welcome to stop by for a meal," Tom added, "In fact, I insist, at least twice a week which shouldn't be too hard with you two dating and all."

"Yes Tom," Adrien agreed, finally calling the big man by his first name. While it would be nice and convenient to stay with Marinette and her family, he wasn't sure if he would be used to it. After all, he was used to being alone, and he could always visit Marinette whenever he wanted. There was also the issue of their superhero identities; it would be suspicious if they were caught coming from the same direction all the time. "For now I think I'll stay at the hotel, I'm used to having my own space after all, but if I decide I'm too lonely I'll take you up on your offer."

"Alright son," Tom beamed approving of his decision, "but you better come over more often if you want to learn how to bake and cook."

"Sure thing!" Adrien promised, "sounds like a lot of fun." In the mansion Adrien would have never thought about entering the kitchen, he had his personal chef make everything for him. But as he slowly freed himself from his father's grasp he realized just how sheltered he had been. Perhaps it would be a good idea to learn how to live independently one step at a time.

Adrien decided it was best to keep the Hawk Moth thing a secret, it wouldn't look good for him or his dad if his identity had been made known to the public, plus there was still the matter of defeating him. As far as everyone else was concerned, Adrien had moved out of the Mansion due to a dispute with his father.


While Gabriel wasn't completely happy with the idea, he reluctantly agreed to let his son "cool off." As promised, Adrien would still partake in photoshoots and scheduled lessons as normal.

Of course, Adrien's departure didn't stop Gabriel from terrorizing Paris to get Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous.

"It seems that Adrien is unwilling to cooperate with me," Gabriel sighed as he spoke to his assistant Nathalie

"Perhaps he has already accepted that his mother is gone," Nathalie suggested

Gabriel shook his head, "It can't be, I will bring them back to me!"

Nathalie sighed as she watched her employer become more and more obsessed with reviving his wife. Was his family's happiness the only reason he wanted the miraculouses so badly or was it because Gabriel was unwilling to admit defeat?

"Contact Miss Rossi," Gabriel ordered, it was time for a new plan

"Yes sir," Nathalie nodded as she took one last look at her boss before picking up the phone.

While Lila claimed to be shooting a movie in London, of course, that was all a big lie. Sure, Felix could easily get her a role in a major production but he didn't want to, not until she at least helped him get ahold of the other ring.

"Work with me Lila," Gabriel smiled smugly, "work with me to terrorize Paris and I'll make you the new face of my brand."

Lila looked at the famous designer as she plastered a fake smile on her face. The man was such a fool, but it didn't hurt to be playing both sides of the table. As long as she could gain his trust, things would work out for her more easily in the end. "Gladly Mr. Agreste," she smirked shaking his hand, "or should I call you Hawk Moth."


"It seems Hawk Moth has struck once again bugaboo," Chat Noir said as he turned towards Ladybug

Ladybug smiled, she couldn't believe how much she missed his nicknames," Should we even be surprised?"

"Of course not," Chat Noir sighed, this was his father they were fighting after all, but no matter what they would fight him fair and square, at least until he decided how he wanted to deal with him. But with his lady fighting by his side, nothing would ever get in between them. "Can't say I'm feline the best though."

"Oh you and your silly puns," Ladybug chuckled as she playfully swatted his arm

"You got to admit you missed them," Chat replied, "you even find them a-mew-sing"

Ladybug rolled her eyes " Alright, save the flirting for later, ready for another battle kitty?" she asked

"Always M'lady," Chat grinned "It's you and me against the world."

And there they were fighting side by side with the love of their lives, now stronger than ever because of their trust for each other, and because of their love for one another.  Of course, it had to remain a secret, but for now, they were perfectly content keeping it under wraps.

After all, there couldn't be Ladybug without her Chat Noir; they were an unstoppable duo. He was the yin and she was the yang, the perfect balance of harmony fated to love each other until the very end.

When I met you I fell in love with you, when I knew you, I loved every part of you. While our love can be the death of us, it can also make the best of us because love makes us stronger, love gives us strength; strength to fight whatever comes our way, you and me against the world.


But what about the issue with Hawk Moth, will our favorite pairing live happily ever after? Well, that's another story for another day, a story you shall look forward to.

For you see dear readers, this is not the end, it is only the beginning, the beginning of a new chapter in life where they will walk together every step of the way

To be continued...

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