Chapter Seven: Study Group

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"Alix?" Marinette gasped, "What are you doing here?"

"Just on my way to bring my old man some stuff at the museum," she replied holding a box, "wanna help?"

"Sure..." Marinette agreed reluctantly not sure how to bring up her transformation to Alix, "Uh how much did you see?"

"Everything," Alix shrugged, "I'm quite surprised it was you honestly."

"Oh no!" Marinette groaned, "This is terrible, someone found out my identity, nobody was supposed to know our identities, heck even Chat Noir and I don't know each other's identities!"

"Calm down," Alix assured her, "I know how to keep a secret."

Marinette recalled Bunnyx's words to her after the events of Chat Blanc

That's the reason you picked me, mini bug. I know how to keep a secret

"Of course!" Marinette exclaimed, only to look over at Alix and see a very confused expression on her face, "well uh future you said something about choosing you because you know how to keep a secret."

"Wow," Alix blinked, "does that mean I get the miraculous soon?" She grinned with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"I guess so," Marinette nodded, "since yours is the power of last chance, I guess its better to give it to you sooner than later in case something happens. Plus you should start training yourself."

"Yes!" Alix cheered before turning away in embarrassment, "I mean, thanks for trusting me."

"Let's go get these to your dad shall we?" Marinette suggested as they both ran off to the museum.

At home

"Did I make a big mistake Tikki?" Marinette asked her kwami as soon as she got home. "I can't believe someone say me detransform!"

"You have to be more careful Marinette," Tikki scolded, "you're lucky it was just Alix, I think you can trust her. But imagine if it was someone like Lila, or even worse Hawk Moth!?"

"I must be more careful," Marinette nodded determinedly "head straight home after a battle just in case..."

Since finals were approaching, Marinette decided to use the remaining time reviewing for her exams.


"Hey girl!" Alya chirped as Marinette walked into the classroom the next morning, "Did you finish your design?"

"Yup!" Marinette grinned, "She loved it!"

"Great!" Alya exclaimed clapping her hands together, "now you're free to hang out right?"

"Not really..." Marinette replied, "We have finals coming up remember?"

"Ooh, that's perfect!" Alya gasped with a delightful look in her eyes, "We can have a study group!"

"Okay..." Marinette nodded slowly thinking it would Alya was referring to a study group with all their friends, "you mean with the girls?"

"No silly," Alya chuckled playfully swatting her arm, "you, me Nino and Adrien."

"Eh, I'm not sure this is a good idea..." Marinette protested, shaking her head, "I'm trying to get over him remember?"

"Oh please," Alya snorted, "you can't avoid the boy forever, you have to face him eventually."

"Fine..." Marinette muttered pouting as she crossed her arms, not noticing her best friend exchange a wink with her boyfriend in the other row.

After school

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