Chapter Two: Late Night Chats

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"Good Evening Miss Tsurugi," Gabriel greeted as he sat across the two teenagers. "I trust everything is going well?"

Adrien's eyes fell to his dish as he picked as his food refusing to look at his father. He couldn't bring himself to tell him the truth about his "relationship" with Kagami.

"Everything is fine," Kagami gave Gabriel a reassuring smile as she squeezed Adrien's arm next to her.

Adrien tensed as Kagami squeezed his arm, he looked at her and gave her a small smile before going back to his food.

"I'm glad to hear that." Gabriel nodded approvingly but kept an eye on his son's behavior


"You need to talk to her kid," Plagg spoke the moment Adrien walked into his room "I can tell she makes you unhappy."

"I know Plagg," Adrien groaned, "but I don't know how to bring it up to her, her mother is Father's important business partner after all."

"Look kid, either you tell her, or you continue being unhappy," Plagg glared at his holder with his arms crossed, "Besides I thought you were in love with Ladybug."

"You were the one who said to start liking someone else," Adrien complained

I meant Marinette you idiot, Plagg thought to himself "Whatever, this is why cheese is much better than girls," Plagg grinned while munching on his beloved Camembert, before letting out a loud burp.

"Plagg!" Adrien groaned covering his nose "can you not do that right in front of my face?"

With Kagami ---

"Kagami, I need to talk to you," Adrien sighed, he couldn't drag her along like this, it wasn't fair to her

Kagami took a deep breath before looking Adrien in the eyes "I get it, Adrien, you're not ready to move on, I shouldn't have expected so much from you."

Adrien looked at her in shock, "I'm so sorry, I... you don't deserve this,"

"I knew you two liked each other," Kagami sighed giving him a sad look, "it was wrong of me to get in the way."

"W-What do you mean?" Adrien stammered with a look of shock on his face, "She never liked me back..."

"Marinette... duh!" Kagami replied raising a brow, "you two love each other, I just know it!"

"Marinette?!" Adrien squawked, "No... she's... just a...friend." He could feel Plagg fidgeting inside his shirt pocket.

"Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that lover boy," Kagami smirked squeezing his shoulder before walking off.

Adrien stood there shocked as to what Kagami had meant. Marinette couldn't be in love with him, nor was he in love with Marinette, or was he? But he was in love with Ladybug, he could never betray ladybug.

Plagg flew out of his shirt pocket as soon as Kagami was out of sight, "See kid, it wasn't as bad as you thought right?"

"What could she be talking about?" Adrien asked Plagg confusedly, "I like Marinette?"

Plagg could only roll his eyes at the oblivious sunshine boy, of course he liked Marinette, not only as Ladybug, but he just couldn't realize it yet, could this kid be any more blind? He desperately wished to tell his owner the truth, but he knew he couldn't, not when Paris was still in grave danger with Hawk Moth around.

"Why don't you visit her and find out for yourself?" Plagg suggested, "maybe you can get me some delicious bread for my cheese." Plus I get to see my sugarcube again...

"Great idea Plagg," Adrien responded with a smile, "Plagg claws out!"

"That's not what I meant... whoaaaa" Plagg protested before being sucked into Adrien's ring transforming him into Chat Noir.


"Hey girl!" Alya chirped over the phone

"Hi Alya," Marinette yawned drowsily "what's up?"

"Still on for lunch with the girls tomorrow?" Alya asks referring to their weekend plans.

"Oh r-right," Marinette chuckled nervously, "almost forgot about that, ha-ha."

"Girl, you're always so forgetful," Alya laughed "that's my best friend for ya!"

"Haha, thanks for reminding me Alya, I'll see you tomorrow!" Marinette exclaimed before hanging up.

Suddenly she saw someone squatted on her balcony. The superhero she knew so well... Chat Noir what was he doing here?

"What's up Purr-incess," Chat greeted Marinette with a wink, only to be given an eye-roll in return.

"Chat Noir, what are you doing here?" She exclaimed, they hadn't scheduled a patrol tonight...

"Oh nothing, just felt like talking to someone tonight," chat said with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Oh... well, what did you want to talk about?" she asked, "something to do with ladybug?"

"Well, yes... I mean... no?" Chat stammered thinking about how to respond, "I don't know," he sighed slumping his shoulders.

"You can talk to me about it," she said giving him a warm smile.

"Well... you know how I love ladybug and all..." Chat noir began; Marinette nodded motioning him to continue. "Well she doesn't love me at all," he sighed dejectedly, "she's in love with someone else, but no matter how many times I get rejected by her, I can't seem to let go of my feelings towards her."

Marinette looked at him with a sense of empathy, she hurt him so much, yet she couldn't accept his feelings, as she couldn't get rid of her feelings for Adrien. "I know how you feel," she smiled at him rubbing his back. "I too have someone I can't get over."

"Really?" Chat looked at her with a look of shock on his face, I never expected that... "I didn't know..."

"Silly kitty," Marinette giggled, "how would you know? We barely talk to each other..."

Right, she doesn't know I'm Adrien, the boy she sees at school every day, Chat thought to himself, who could be this boy? I thought she liked Luka, did Luka not like her?

"Anyway," Marinette continued, "this boy was... well is one of my good friends, we hung out quite often since his best friend is dating my best friend. I try talking to him but I'm always so nervous around him so I can't properly say a sentence to him without stuttering. But recently he's been seeing someone else, another friend of mine, and well... he's only ever thought of me as a friend."

His best friend is dating her best friend? She could only be talking about Alya and Nino right? But Nino is my best friend, could she be referring to me? Chat thought, (finally using his brain)

Okay, for the sake of plot and character development, I've decided to make Kagami a little more understanding and less manipulative? Than in the show. Adrien, being dense as he is probably wouldn't have guessed it was him Marinette was referring to but I want to make him a little less dumb in this book, so he still probably won't be able to connect the dots that Marinette is ladybug despite many clues but I'll decide that in a later time.

Let me know what you think of the story so far, constructive criticism appreciated. Until next time

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