Chapter Fifteen: Trouble in Shanghai?

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There's a threat in Shanghai

Marinette quickly packed her bags and got ready to board the next train. Technically she could teleport there but there was always a risk in using the miraculous so publically. Besides the last thing she wanted was for Hawk Moth to know that Ladybug was in Shanghai.

The good thing about being a part of the order of the guardians was well... they had connections everywhere, so she wouldn't have to worry about finding a place to stay. She decided to text Adrien knowing he would also be there. A few months ago she would have never had the courage to text her crush, but now well... she had gotten over him, or had she? While she had suspicions that he may be Chat Noir, there wasn't any proof. None yet anyway...


Looks like my next stop will be in Shanghai! XD

Adrien looked at his phone to see a notification from Marinette

"What's got you so happy kid?" Plagg asked teasing him

"Look's like Marinette will be incoming to Shanghai!" Adrien exclaimed as a genuine smile broke out across his face.

Plagg was shocked, yet happy for his holder, he hadn't looked so happy in days,"Marinette?!" he gasped with a hint of fear on his face if Marinette is coming to Shanghai, that means there must be some kind of trouble here. But of course, I can't let my kid know that...

"Yeah, isn't it great!" Adrien smiled dreamily completely oblivious to the black kwami's worry

"Just don't get your hopes up kid," Plagg warned, "your old man probably won't let you out anyways;" although if he had anything to say about it he would love to spend some time with his sugarcube.

"Right," Adrien sighed dejectedly, he wasn't sure what his father thought of Marinette, sure she was a talented designer, but she didn't belong to the same social circle as they did. Not that he minded, although he knew his father disapproved of Nino. He really only approved of Chloé, Kagami, and maybe Lila. 

Over the past few days, he was truly trapped. He hadn't even had the chance to see his father. Nathalie had flown in just the day before, but whenever he tried to reach his father, she would always tell him that he was busy. Adrien peeked out the hotel room door, technically, there wasn't anyone around so he could sneak out, but he didn't know the city well plus there wasn't anyone he could explore the city with. Maybe, just maybe Marinette could be the one when she arrived? 

With Gabriel

Gabriel looked outside the window of his hotel room with his Assistant standing a few feet behind him. After his trip to New York, he had been desperate to find the other miraculouses that seemed to be hidden around the world. It just so happened that he had business in Shanghai that he used this opportunity to find one.

"Any updates?" he asked impatiently

"We're still looking for them sir," Nathalie replied, "it's not easy, we must be discreet. If we're too reckless I'm afraid..."

"Just hurry up," Gabriel snapped, clearly not wanting to hear any excuses about the risks or dangers

"Very well," Nathalie sighed, "your son has been looking for you, he's been asking to go out, or at least have dinner with you."

"Are you telling me what to do now?" Gabriel growled furiously

"No sir," Nathalie responded hiding a look of disappointment on her face. She felt sorry for the poor boy, but there was nothing much she could do about it. Why had Gabriel brought him if he wasn't going to see him at all? Was it really just so he could keep an eye on him?

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