Chapter Six: Identity Revealed?

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She's just a friend

Adrien didn't realize how much these words affected her, was she really only just a friend? He thought back to the events in New York and how much he had enjoyed her company. She was such a klutz, especially around him yet she was super cute. And she's always someone I can look to for comfort in times of need. If she isn't just a friend, then why do can't I get over Ladybug? Is it possible to have feelings for two people at once? (Yes it is Agreste, especially if it's the same person dumdum)

"Finally realizing your feelings for Pigtail girl huh?" Plagg interrupted munching on cheese.

"I don't know Plagg," Adrien groaned covering his hands to his face, "Why is this so confusing?"

"Guess it's too late now, she's already given up on you," Plagg reminded him sarcastically. "Now you have nothing to worry about."

"I thought you liked her?" Adrien protested, "Now you're saying it doesn't matter anymore?"

"Figure out your own feelings first kid," Plagg suggested, you never know, maybe she's starting to fall for the other side of you."

"What? No way..." Adrien denied as he felt a blush creep up onto his face. Although she did confess her feelings to him as Chat Noir a while ago, only for him to reject her and cause her dad to be akumatized into weredad; did she really like him back then? Or was it more like a crush on a superhero as a fangirl? (You so dense boi)


"And I will be spending the entire summer with Adrien at his house!" Lila bragged, not lying for once, "Mr. Agreste personally invited me!"

"What?" Chloé squawked, "Why would he invite you of all people? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

"You're just jealous because I'm the one who will be spending more time with him," Lila scoffed, "If you don't believe me you can ask him yourself."

As if luck were at her side, Adrien walked into the classroom that very moment and sat down in his usual seat next to Nino.

"Adrikins! Is it true?" Chloé demanded 

"Is what true?" Adrien asked clearly confused, as he was given no context whatsoever.

"Is it true you are going to spend the entire summer alone with that... thing?" she pointed to Lila who only smirked in return.

"Well, father did say that she would be staying at the mansion over the summer, since her mother will be abroad the whole time or something but apparently Felix will be staying as well," Adrien admitted, "plus I'll be accompanying my father to shanghai for a business trip."

As other students listened they backed away, heading back to their respective seats.

Lila frowned furiously when she heard his last sentence, what's the point of staying at their house if I won't be spending any time with him? She thought to herself, how dare he make me lose my spotlight! No, this won't do, I must find a way to convince him to take me to Shanghai with them. (No you won't B*tch)

"Oh thank goodness," Chloé breathed a sigh of relief, "Let me know if you need to get away from her," she whispered.

"Uh, thanks Chloé," Adrien replied confused, I don't really want to hang out with Chloé but at least she isn't as bad as Lila right?

"Dude, you're in for one heck of a summer," Nino patted his back sympathetically, "Let me know if you ever need an escape, I mean if your father ever lets you out..." he added knowing how strict his father was, "I guess that's that bad thing about no longer dating Kagami huh? You don't have as much freedom as you used to."

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