Chapter Twenty-Five: Walking in His Shoes

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As Felix walked into the classroom he could immediately recognize the losers who sent the video to his cousin. Not to mention he would be stuck in the same class as that brat Chloe, and the girl who pathetically confessed her love to him.

"Hello everyone," He greeted them with a wave, "the names Felix."

"Thank you, Felix," Mrs. Bustier nodded, "please take a seat."

"Wow," Rose cooed, "he looks just like Adrien."

"Oh that's because he's Adrien's cousin we spent the entire summer together," Lila stated matter of factly patting the seat next to her, "come here Felix, you can sit next to me."

Felix sighed rolling his eyes, as much as he didn't want to sit next to this gold-digger, he supposed it was better than sitting with anyone else in the class.

Marinette and Adrien exchanged a worried look, what was he up to now?

After school

"Hey Marinette," Adrien scooted closer to the bluenette as they were packing up to leave the classroom, "when did you want to start on the project?"

"Any time is fine," Marinette grinned, "What's your schedule like?"

"Well I have a photoshoot this weekend," Adrien shrugged, "you can come to my house afterward and see what it's like to live like me."

"Okay," Marinette nodded, "are you sure though? I certainly wouldn't want to interrupt the shoot, you know how Giuseppe can be," she recalled the events of when the photographer got upset when she had interrupted Adrien's photoshoot at the park

"It'll be fine," Adrien assured her, "I promise."


"Magnifico, super!" Giuseppe said as he clicked away "Mama's Spaghetti!" 

As Marinette approached them Adrien could feel himself tensing up. Was this a good idea after all? Father will kill me if I don't get any good photos in today

"No, No, No," Giuseppe groaned, "Ze boy is distracted, too much spaghetti, we needz some romance, we needz a girl!"

"Oh right," Adrien paused as he turned to the photographer, "this is Marinette, she's here for a project, could we possibly take a few photos together?"

"Si, Si," Giuseppe agreed, as an assistant pointed Marinette towards a tent to get ready. "We needz passion, we needz romance!"

"Uh okay," Adrien couldn't help but feel a blush creep up on his cheeks

"That's ze expression I need!" Giuseppe exclaimed as he clicked away, "Now we wait for ze girl."

As Marinette stepped out of the tent, Adrien couldn't help but stare at her. "Yes, Yes, zis is ze look I need!" Giuseppe nodded as he took more shots of the blonde. "Now you and you stare into each other's eyes. Perfecto!"

Giuseppe took a few more shots and thanked Marinette for her hard work. "Zis girl is a natural, ze boy should bring her around more often."

"Uh, thanks?" Marinette blushed "are you sure it's okay? I'm not sure if your dad would approve of me being in the photo with you."

"Nonsense! Zis is perfecto," Giuseppe declared, "best I've seen yet,"

Marinette stared at the ground nervously "Oh okay, well if anything I hope you got enough good shots of him alone." 

"You come here and help me help Adrien get in ze mood," the Italian decided, "would make my life much easier."

Marinette looked at Adrien who only gave her a nod of approval, "I'll come when I have time," she finally agreed.

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