Chapter Twenty-Six: Girls Day Out

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Should I stay? Would that be too awkward? Marinette wondered. It seems like Adrien would be less lonely, besides it would be best to have the entire experience right? "Sure I'll stay," she finally decided.

Nathalie just nodded as she walked out and closed the door behind her.

"Uh, so..." Marinette fidgeted nervously "what should we do now, do you have any important events to attend tomorrow?"

"Not really," Adrien shrugged, "did you have something in mind?"

All of a sudden they were interrupted by a buzz from Marinette's phone. The caller ID showed Chloé. "What could Chloé want?" Adrien asked with a confused expression on his face "and why would she be calling you?"

"Oh, well I uh...." Marinette struggled to come up with a good excuse before putting the phone on speaker "Hi Chloé what's up, you're on speaker by the way."

"I hear you and Adrikins were hanging out today," Chloe exclaimed over the phone, "what are your plans for tomorrow?"

"Well, that's what we were trying to figure out," Marinette replied as she nudged the blonde model next to her

"Oh, uh yeah..." Adrien answered, "what's up Chloé?"

"Ugh well just spend the day with Marinette tomorrow," Chloé demanded,

"Okay sure, we'll meet you for brunch bye Chloé!" Marinette said as she immediately hung up the phone

"What was that all about?" Adrien asked clearly puzzled

"Oh well, on the weekends sometimes I get brunch with my friends," Marinette responded nervously, "so I guess we will be meeting with Chloé tomorrow morning as a part of our project."

Marinette hung out with Chloé, since when? Adrien thought to himself "Alright," he shrugged it was a good thing that they were getting along right?

"Great!" Marinette exclaimed as she clapped her hands together, "what should we do now? Or rather what are you usually doing at this time?"

"Nothing really I guess," Adrien sighed dejectedly, "my life is boring as you can already tell by now. My father is super strict, and almost not even a part of my life. I'm glad he at least agreed to let us do the project though."

Marinette looked over at the blonde with a loving gaze "I know I can't relate to your situation, but whenever you need someone to talk to I'm here for you. You open up around me Adrien," she said as she took his hand with a soft smile, "I hope you can eventually open up around others too. And maybe someday open up to your dad."

"I'll do my best," Adrien assured her, "thank you for always being there for me."

"So did you want to play some video games?" Marinette suggested


"Marinette, Adrikins!" Chloé waved from her seat as they arrived at the café, "you're finally here, what took you so long?"

"Oh sorry, looks like Marinette overslept," Adrien grinned poking fun at the bluenette, "no wonder you're always late to school."

"Hey I like my sleep alright," Marinette giggled, "besides who was the one who demanded we stay up 'til 3 am playing Mecha Strike III and Super Penguino."

"What? It was addicting," Adrien protested "you wanted to play as well."

"Did I miss something?" Chloé asked, "you guys were together until 3 am?! Or wait you guys had a sleepover?" 

"Uh yeah," Adrien yawned, "I guess she stayed the night."

"Don't make it sound so perverted," Marinette rebuked, "it was just part of the project, just like how he's here right now with us."

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