Chapter Twenty-Three: Partnered Up

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As Luka and Ivan set up the stage for the concert later on in the day he saw a blonde figure approach him.

"H-Hi Luka," Chloé shyly greeted him, "thanks for agreeing to come. Just wanted to check in with you guys."

"You look perfect," Luka breathed, "I mean everything's perfect."

"Great!" Chloé chirped, "see you, boys, at the pool!"

Luka couldn't help but feel a blush creep up on his cheeks. Over the time he spent with the blonde this past summer he was truly happy to witness her growth and see how much she had changed. Spending time with Chloé certainly helped him get over his feelings for Marinette. Sure, he still cared for her and liked her as a friend, and he would always be there for her but it seemed he was finally able to let go.

"Looks like someone's getting red," Ivan teased as he witnessed the event

"What?" Luka blinked, denying everything, "Let's just finish setting up."

Adrien looked took out his phone to see a notification from Chloé

Chloé (img)

Pic of your boo

You can thank me later ;)

"What you looking at dude?" Nino asked as he walked up to the blonde model, "ooh looking at lewd photos of Marinette."

"Nino!" Adrien blushed, "it was Chloé... she just sent them to me."

"Yeah, dude," Nino smirked, "don't worry I'd be happy to look at pictures of Alya all day too."

Suddenly they say Kim come up to them, "You guys see the girls today? They look so hott, especially Marinette."

"I beg to differ," Nino shrugged, "but I'm sure blondie agrees with you."

"Gross Kim," Alix groaned as she walked up to the boys and rolled her eyes, "why are you always so perverted?"

"Oh hey Alix," Kim grinned as he put his arm around the pink-haired jock, "you're looking pretty good as well."

"Oh please" Alix replied dismissively as she rolled her eyes, "keep your eyes and hands to yourself you perv," and with that, she walked off

"Your girlfriend has a 97.5% chance of breaking up with you if she heard that," Max replied

Adrien couldn't help but feel a bit of anger well up inside him. The guy had a girlfriend, yet he was checking out other girls? Especially Marinette?


The next day at school, Lila came back and spent the entire morning before class lying and bragging as usual.

"Hi everyone," Lila waved, "I'm back! Did you guys miss me?"

"Of course we did!" Rose replied, "tell us about your amazing summer!"

"Of course," Lila bragged, "but I was so busy, I had so many photoshoots this summer, I couldn't even keep track. Plus I attended exclusive events and met so many famous people."

"Wow Lila," Alya awed, "Looks like you made a bunch of connections."

"Yup! I was able to get some personal contacts, I've been talking to a few of them for months just like old friends," she lied

Marinette and Adrien overheard the conversation and couldn't help but shake their heads, they both knew it was a pathetic lie.

"Typical Lila," Adrien chuckled amused at himself for speaking normally this time, "always telling a lie, I know for a fact she stayed inside the mansion almost the entire time, there's no way she could have gone to all those events unless Felix brought her."

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