Chapter Eight: Study Date

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M'Lady? Marinette gasped, that's something only Chat Noir would say...

Is Adrien Agreste Chat Noir?

There's no way, Marinette thought to herself right? But if he wasn't, what was he dreaming about? Who could he be referring to? Kagami?

"Why don't you love me bugaboo," Marinette heard him talking in his sleep once again.

What?! That can't be right, he must be reciting the lines of a movie or something... (you're so dense, girl...)

This wasn't the time to be thinking about that right now, Marinette shook her head slamming her face to the desk, only to wake up a sleeping Adrien.

"Marinette?" Adrien asked as he rubbed his eyes, clearly concerned about his good friend "are you alright?"

"You're so fine," She said almost drooling at the model with his bed hair, "I mean I'm fine!" Snap out of it Marinette, no matter how gorgeous he looks he's just a friend.

"Where did Nino and Alya go," Adrien wondered suddenly realizing the couple was gone

"I guess they saw that we fell asleep and left us here," Marinette shrugged, "I guess it is getting kind of late, should we continue tomorrow?"

"S-Sure," Adrien nodded blushing, "but tomorrow's the weekend..."

"Oh," Marinette gasped, "r-right, well I-I don't mind meeting up over the weekend..." just be yourself Marinette, just be yourself.

"Really?" Adrien beamed, "great!"

"Okay... did you want me to text Alya and Nino to join us?" Marinette pulled out her phone

"No!" Adrien protested reaching out to grab the phone, only to blush and put his hand away, "I-I mean I-I was kind of hopping, I mean hoping it would be just the two of us..." he hadn't spent much time with Marinette alone, well as Adrien lately, and couldn't help but feel as if she were avoiding him, plus he missed seeing her during the day, even though she always showed him her clumsy self.


"Are you sure?" Marinette asked, "aren't you super busy?" she added half-joking, thinking about his schedule, all his fencing and Chinese lessons, and most of all his girlfriend.

"No, no," Adrien waved his hands dismissively, "at least not for the next few weeks, my father agreed to rearrange my schedule so that I could prepare for finals, but I'll be making it up this summer."

"Uh, alright," Marinette nodded hesitantly, "If you say so... where did you want to eat? I mean meet?"

"Did you want to go to a café or something?" Adrien suggested, "Although nothing can beat your parents' delicious pastries." 

"Ah, sure, let's go to a café," Marinette decided, she could use a change of pace from her normal study spots at home. "I'll bring a bag of croissants for you don't worry." She added patting his arm

"R-Really?" Adrien blushed, "thanks."

"R-Right, well it's getting late we should probably head home," Marinette suggested as they looked out the window to see the night sky

"Did you need a ride home?" Adrien asked not quite wanting to part with her yet, "I'm sure my bodyguard won't mind."

"No, no," Marinette denied nervously shaking her hands, "it's right across the street!"

"Uh, okay," Adrien sighed dejectedly "guess I'll pick you up tomorrow then? Maybe around 10 am?"

"S-Sure, sure, guess I'll see you tomorrow bye!" and with that Marinette ran off

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